Moving Forward &
Allowing the Lord to Make it Happen
Allowing the Lord to Make it Happen
During SHARE’s annual Short-Term Outreach & Relief Mission (STORM) in Turkanaland, Kenya in Summer of 2017, the Turkana missionaries proclaimed “We are a ‘Missionary Tribe!’” In April 2021, SHARE commissioned 10 of those Turkana missionaries and 5 Toposa-tribe believers living in Turkanaland whom God had clearly called to reach the neighboring Toposa people of South Sudan.
With credible indigenous leadership, structure, provision of necessary tools, and financial support, God is using these missionaries to reap unprecedented harvest of souls among the Toposa people in the next few years. We believe they will make disciples who will make disciples of others in fulfillment of Christ’s Final Mandate (Matt. 28:19-20)!
SHARE’s strategy is to replicate among the Toposa people the contextualized Disciple-Making Movement/Church-Planting Movement (DMM/CPM) Curriculum and Methodology that the Turkana believers have successfully used among their own people.
First, the missionaries conducted a “Gap Analysis” – a mapping exercise to determine exactly where the Gospel has not penetrated among the Toposa people. The analysis was done in collaboration with the existing cluster of local mission agencies and missionaries in the Toposa region called “TNJ” (Toposa, Ng’aratom, and Jiye people-groups), which is a subset of the Global Alliance for Church Multiplication (GACX).
Following the analysis, the missionaries have begun sharing the Gospel and replicating the DMM/CPM Curriculum & Methodology in the unreached villages.
Over the next 4-5 years SHARE plans to not only reach the unreached villages in Toposaland with the Gospel, but also teach believers the DMM/CPM Curriculum & Methodology, secure land and construct a Training & Sending Center, ensure multiplication of disciples and continued spiritual growth of believers, develop ownership and sustainability by indigenous believers, and, eventually, hand-off leadership to indigenous believers.
The Toposa Missionary Team
Those Whom God Has Called to Reach the Toposa People with the Gospel
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age“
– Matt. 28:19-20.
– Matt. 28:19-20.
“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come”
– Matt. 24:14.
– Matt. 24:14.