Marital Status: Married
Children: 6
Location: Toposa, South Sudan

In April 2021, SHARE commissioned Joseph along with 14 other missionaries to begin outreach to the Toposa people of South Sudan. Joseph is originally from Toposa but had been living in Turkana, Kenya. He has served as an evangelist, associate pastor, and music minister.
In November, Joseph returned to Luchuloit, Peny-Peny, and Lojokomor villages and reached also returned to: Napeimuron, Natirait and Naminitoit villages. The villagers were eager to hear the Gospel message and 5 more people accepted Christ as Savior. He has been encouraging the new believers to join an existing Lighthouse in or near their village. He has also encouraged them to listen to their Audio Bible, and share their faith stories using the DMM Bookmark. He distributed 3 Audio Bibles and 2 DMM Bookmarks. Joseph is training 8 believers to be Champions. There are 3 villages that have established Lighthouses have 64 disciples attending. Some of the major challenges in this area are illiteracy, hunger, traditionalism, and scarcity of clean water. Three villages have a large number of children and no educational facilities for them. He is thankful for the recent rains. He asks that you pray with him for the many children in the villages that he is reaching that have no formal education for the children and for the conflict along the border between the Toposa and Buya tribes.
In October, Joseph returned to Luchuloit, Peny-Peny, and Lojokomor villages and reached also returned to: Napeimuron, Natirait and Naminitoit villages. The villagers were eager to hear the Gospel message and 5 more people accepted Christ as Savior. He has been encouraging the new believers to join an existing Lighthouse in or near their village. He has also encouraged them to listen to their Audio Bible, and share their faith stories using the DMM Bookmark. Joseph is training 8 believers to be Champions. There are 3 villages that have established Lighthouses have 64 disciples attending. Some of the major challenges in this area are illiteracy, hunger, traditionalism, and scarcity of clean water. Three villages have a large number of children and no educational facilities for them. He is thankful for the recent rains. He asks that you pray with him for the many children in the villages that he is reaching that have no formal education for the children.
In September, Joseph returned to Luchuloit, Peny-Peny, and Lojokomor villages and reached also returned to: Napeimuron, Natirait and Naminitoit villages. The villagers were eager to hear the Gospel message and 6 more people accepted Christ as Savior. He has been teaching them to spend time together listening to the Audio Bible, and sharing their faith stories using the DMM Bookmark and encouraging them to join a Lighthouse. Joseph is training 4 believers to be Champions. The 3 established Lighthouses have 32 disciples attending. Some of the major challenges in this area are illiteracy, hunger, traditionalism, and scarcity of clean water. Three villages have a large number of children and no educational facilities for them. He is thankful for the recent rains. He asks that you pray with him for the many children in the villages that have no formal education.
In August, Joseph returned to Luchuloit, Peny-Peny, and Lojokomor villages and reached also returned to: Napeimuron, Natirait and Naminitoit villages. The villagers were eager to hear the Gospel message and 5 more people accepted Christ as Savior. He has been teaching them to spend time together listening to the Audio Bible, and sharing their faith stories using the DMM Bookmark and encouraging them to join a Lighthouse. Joseph is training 4 believers to be Champions. The 3 established Lighthouses have 32 disciples attending. Some of the major challenges in this area are illiteracy, hunger, traditionalism, and scarcity of clean water. Three villages have a large number of children and no educational facilities for them. He is thankful for the recent rains. He asks that you pray with him for peace between the Toposa and the Buya tribes in the Kapoeta region of South Sudan.
In July, Joseph returned to Luchuloit, Peny-Peny, and Lojokomor villages and also returned to these new villages: Napeimuron, Natirait and Naminitoit villages. The villagers were eager to hear the Gospel message and 6 more people accepted Christ as Savior. He has been teaching them to spend time together listening to the Audio Bible, and sharing their faith stories using the DMM Bookmark. Joseph is still training 4 believers to be Champions. The 3 established Lighthouses have 32 disciples attending. Some of the major challenges in this area are illiteracy, hunger, traditionalism, and scarcity of clean water and also some opposition from the Catholic church. Three villages have a large number of children and no educational facilities for them. Please pray for safety for the team and peace between the Toposa and Buya tribes.
In June, Joseph returned to Luchuloit, Peny-Peny, and Lojokomor villages and reached also returned to: Napeimuron, Natirait and Naminitoit villages. The villagers were eager to hear the Gospel message and 5 more people accepted Christ as Savior. He has been teaching them to spend time together listening to the Audio Bible, and sharing their faith stories using the DMM Bookmark. Joseph is still training 4 believers to be Champions. The 3 established Lighthouses have 32 disciples attending. He distributed 4 Audio Bibles, and 2 DMM Bookmarks. Some of the major challenges in this area are illiteracy, hunger, traditionalism, and scarcity of clean water and also some opposition from the Catholic church. Three villages have a large number of children and no educational facilities for them.
In May, Joseph returned to Luchuloit, Peny-Peny, and Lojokomor villages and reached 3 new villages: Napeimuron, Lereboi and Naminitoit. The villagers were eager to hear the Gospel message and 4 more people accepted Christ as Savior. He has been teaching them the basic Christian doctrines and following up with the believers. Joseph is still training 6 believers to be Champions. 3 Lighthouses were established this month. He distributed 6 Audio Bibles, 5 DMM Bookmarks and 5 hard copy Bibles. Some of the major challenges in this area are illiteracy, hunger, traditionalism, and scarcity of clean water and also some opposition from the Catholic church. These villages have a large number of children and no educational facilities for them.
In April, Joseph returned to Luchuloit, Peny-Peny, and Lojokomor villages and reached 2 new villages: Napeimuron and Naminitoit. The villagers were eager to hear the Gospel message and 5 more people accepted Christ as Savior. He has been teaching them the basic Christian doctrines and following up with the believers. Joseph is still training 4 believers to be Champions. 3 Lighthouses were established this month. He distributed 10 Audio Bibles, 5 DMM Bookmarks and 4 hard copy Bibles. Some of the major challenges in this area are illiteracy, hunger, traditionalism, and scarcity of clean water and also some opposition from the Catholic church. These villages have a large number of children and no educational facilities for them.
In March, Joseph ministered in Peny-Peny, Lojokomor and Lochuloit villages. The villagers were eager to hear the Gospel message and 6 more people accepted Christ as Savior. He has been teaching them the basic Christian doctrines and following up with the believers. Joseph is still training 4 believers how to start their own discipleship groups. Some of the major challenges in this area are illiteracy, hunger, traditionalism, and scarcity of clean water and also some opposition from the Catholic church. These villages have a large number of children and no educational facilities for them. He is grateful for the good rains, although it does make the roads hard to travel on.
In February, Joseph returned to Napeimu, Peny-Peny, Naminitoit, and Lojokomor villages after spending the month of January with family in Turakana. The villagers were eager to hear the Gospel message and 3 more people accepted Christ as Savior. He has been teaching them the basic Christian doctrines and following up with the believers. Joseph is still training 4 believers how to start their own discipleship groups. Some of the major challenges in this area are illiteracy, hunger, traditionalism, and scarcity of clean water and also some opposition from the Catholic church. These villages have a large number of children and no educational facilities for them.
In November, Joseph continued sharing the Gospel in Peny-Peny, Lochuloit, and Lojokomor villages. 5 more people accepted Christ as Savior. Joseph is still training 4 believers how to start their own discipleship groups. He was able to distribute to new believers 8 Audio Bibles and 4 DMM Bookmarks. Some of the major challenges in this area are illiteracy, hunger, traditionalism, and scarcity of clean water. They are grateful for the rain they have been receiving.
In October, Joseph continued sharing the Gospel in Peny-Peny, Lochuloit, and Natirait villages. 5 more people accepted Christ as Savior, and 14 believers were baptized. Joseph is still training 4 believers how to start their own discipleship groups. Some of the major challenges in this area are illiteracy, hunger, traditionalism, and scarcity of clean water. They are grateful for the rain they have been receiving.
In September, Joseph continued sharing the Gospel in Peny-Peny, Lojokormor, and Natirait villages. 5 more people accepted Christ as Savior. Joseph is training 4 believers how to start their own discipleship groups. Some of the major challenges in this area are illiteracy, hunger, traditionalism, and scarcity of clean water. They are grateful for the rain they have been receiving.
In August, Joseph shared the Gospel in 3 Toposa villages – Peny-Peny, Lojokormor, and Natirait. 4 people accepted Christ as Savior. Joseph is still training 6 believers how to start their own discipleship groups. Some of the major challenges in this area are illiteracy, hunger, traditionalism, and scarcity of clean water. They are very grateful for the rain they have been receiving.
In June, Joseph shared the Gospel in 3 Toposa villages – Peny-Peny, Lochuloit, and Natirait. 3 people accepted Christ as Savior. Joseph will continue sharing the Gospel with these villages weekly. 6 believers are being trained on how to start their own discipleship groups. Some of the major challenges in this area are illiteracy, hunger, traditionalism, and scarcity of clean water. The team is very grateful for the rain they have been receiving.
In May, Joseph shared the Gospel in 4 Toposa villages – Peny-Peny, Lochuroit, Natiir and Lojomor. The people have had good reception and are eager to learn more about Jesus. 6 believers are being trained on how to start their own discipleship groups. 4 Audio Bibles and 4 signage bookmarks were distributed to new believers by Joseph this month. Some of the major challenges in this area are illiteracy, hunger, traditionalism, and scarcity of clean water. The team is very grateful for the rain that have come this month.
In April Joseph continued sharing the Gospel and developing relationships in 3 Toposa villages – Peny-Peny, Naminitoit, Lochuroit, and Lomaous. 7 people accepted Christ as Savior. 5 believers are being trained to be Champions; they should be forming Lighthouses soon. Some of the major challenges in this area are illiteracy, hunger, traditionalism, and scarcity of clean water. Joseph is grateful for the hospitality of the Toposa people.
In March, Joseph shared the Gospel in 3 Toposa villages – Peny-Peny, Naminitoit, and Lochuroit. The people have had good reception and are eager to learn more about Jesus. 5 believers are being trained on how to start their own discipleship groups. Some of the major challenges in this area are illiteracy, hunger, traditionalism, and scarcity of clean water.