Since SHARE launched the Disciple-Making Movement (DMM) in Turkanaland in 2020, we have witnessed a spiritual explosion among the Turkana people of Kenya. Nearly 800 Lighthouses (or Discipleship Groups) have been established each led by a Champion (or disciple-maker). More than 4,000 believers are attending these Lighthouses where they are learning how to share their faith and make disciples of others!
This rapid multiplication of disciples is allowing us to reach exponentially more lost souls in Turkanaland and beyond with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Less than 100 identified unreached villages remain in Turkanaland. Our trained, indigenous missionaries have even begun to replicate this methodology among the Toposa of South Sudan and the Nyang’atom of Ethiopia.
The DMM methodology has proven to be effective and simple to understand and replicate for the majority oral-learners in the remote areas in which SHARE ministers. To realize and sustain DMM, all SHARE activities and resources are laser-focused so as to grow and multiply Lighthouses unfettered.
3-Walk, 3-Circles
Go! Sow!
This is the prelude that begins with outreach/missions expeditions in the remote villages by our staff and indigenous Motivators/missionaries. Together they reach and find the lost in remote villages through homestead-to-homestead evangelism, screening The Jesus Film, open-air meetings, leading people to Christ, and baptizing. The local Motivator/missionary begins to follow-up with the believers on a weekly or bi-weekly basis to train them how to sow the Gospel using the 3-Walk and 3-Circles methodologies.
The 3-Walk methodology teaches the believer how to share their faith with others by telling their personal testimony. The 3-Circles methodology teaches the believer how to share God’s story. (See diagrams below; click to enlarge.)


Grow! Harvest!

3-Stones: Looking back, looking up, and looking forward
The “3-Stones” methodology starts with each Motivator/missionary going to villages they serve, selecting and bringing strong and proven practitioners of the “3-Walk, 3-Circles” methods from each village to their respective Zone Center where they are trained and equipped to become disciple-makers. (Click here to view Zone Center locations.) The “3-Stones” is an advanced, contextualized methodology that involves listening to God’s Word for themselves on the Turkana language, solar-powered Audio Bibles as a reproducible discipling tool. The trainer ensures the Audio Bibles are given to those who are most committed to leading Lighthouses.
The people selected become “Generational Champions” under oversight of their respective Motivator/missionary. They return to their respective villages and recruit, equip, and lead small groups (Lighthouses) of 6-8 people. The Lighthouses meet frequently until each participant is skilled at the DMM methods and tools. After a period of time, each person in a Lighthouse will recruit disciples and lead their own Lighthouse, allowing multiplication and sustainability to occur.
Leadership Development
Multiply! Sustain!
This methodology is the fundamental, overall “engine” for DMM. It is the process of reproducing leaders who are able to teach, shepherd, and steward the DMM process of multiplication and sustainability. It constitutes training the Generational Champions how to use the contextualized DMM instruction manual to be used in developing disciple-makers. The manual includes systematic, step-by-step, and progressive study guides and teaches how to use the Audio Bible devices effectively. (Click here to view the full DMM manual.)
God has used this Biblical DMM process to produce strong disciples that are growing in their faith and serving one another in totality. Realistically, we believe DMM will impact the entire Turkana population in the next couple years, paving the way for outreach to the neighboring people-groups, such as the Toposa of South Sudan and Nyang’atom of Ethiopia!