In July, the Toposa Missionary Team revisited 51 reached villages and reached 27 previously unreached villages! A total of 93 villagers accepted Christ as Savior…
The Toposa Missionary Team and Toposa Champions continue to diligently share the Good News with the Toposa people. Within the first two weeks in April…
The Word of God continues to saturate Toposaland! In March alone, the Toposa Outreach Initiative (TOI) revisited 40 villages and shared the Gospel in 31 new villages!…
In February, the Toposa Missionary Team revisited 37 villages, and reached 18 new villages with the Gospel! They screened The Jesus Film in two of those villages…
January was a very busy month for the Toposa Team. The Team revisited 41 villages to encourage the believers and mentor the Champions. They also did outreaches…