During Sammy’s (SHARE Founder) stay in Lodwar, Turkana in December, he was able to travel to Toposa to visit and encourage the missionaries there. Later…
The Toposa Outreach Initiative (TOI) Missionaries continue to share the Gospel message in 33 villages. Training is starting for the proposed Champions as new believers…
In October, the Toposa Outreach Initiative (TOI) Missionaries continued to share the Gospel message in 31 villages. They are developing relationships with the Toposa…
The Gospel continues to spread among the Toposa people of South Sudan through the SHARE missionaries. In September, the missionaries shared…
God’s Word continues to be proclaimed among the Toposa people of South Sudan. In August the Toposa Outreach Initiative (TOI) team shared the Gospel in 27 villages…
JULY 2022
All the 15 missionaries serving among the Toposa people of South Sudan traveled back to Turkanaland, Kenya for the month of July to visit their families, participate in STORM…
JUNE 2022
The missionaries continue to be well received by villagers in Toposaland. In June, the team ministered in 30 villages, with 53 people accepting Christ as Savior. Lack of water…
MAY 2022
In May, the Toposa Missionary Team continued sharing the Gospel and developing relationships in 33 villages. The villagers have been receptive to the Gospel and…
APRIL 2022
In April, the Toposa Outreach Initiative Team (TOI) visited 34 villages. The villagers were very receptive to the Gospel message. There has been some resistance…
MARCH 2022
The Toposa Outreach Initiative (TOI) Team visited 24 villages in March, sharing the Gospel, screening The Jesus Film, and discipling new believers. They continue to experience that the Toposa…
The Toposa Outreach Initiative (TOI) Team visited 19 villages in February, sharing the Gospel, screening The Jesus Film, and discipling new believers. They have found that the Toposa people are thirsty…
In January, the Toposa Missionary Team visited 12 villages, screening The Jesus Film, sharing the Good News, and starting the discipleship process using the DMM methodology. During this outreach, 28 people…