Toposa Outreach Update – February 2022
The Toposa Outreach Initiative (TOI) Team visited 19 villages in February, sharing the Gospel, screening The Jesus Film, and discipling new believers. They have found that the Toposa people are thirsty to hear God’s Word and want to learn more. Thirty people accepted Christ in February! The team is currently traveling and spending time in these 19 villages so that they can continue to teach these new believers. They have identified 15 believers that are committed to spending time sharing their newfound faith and are discipling them using the DMM methodology. These 15 believers will become Champions of Lighthouses.
The Team has handed out Audio Bibles and DMM Bookmarks to some of the new believers who have a desire to share their newfound faith with their fellow villagers. They will continue to screen The Jesus Film in the villages and live with the people, loving them like Jesus would. They request more DMM tools, especially Audio Bibles and another projector.
Watch the video testimony below to hear from one of the new believers.
TOI Missionaries preparing to screen The Jesus Film
Missionary Peter Ekiru sharing the Gospel with the children in Kop Village
Villagers listening to the Audio Bible