Toposa Outreach Update – October 2022

October 2022

In October, the Toposa Outreach Initiative (TOI) Missionaries continued to share the Gospel message in 31 villages. They are developing relationships with the Toposa people by staying in the villages, living with the people in their huts. In this way, they are able to spend one-on-one time with the proposed Champions, teaching them and working with them daily as they learn to share their story and God’s story with the people around them. There are currently 50 men and women who have indicated a desire to learn more so they can share their new found faith with others. Please pray that they will become bolder in sharing the Gospel message with others as they use the DMM Curriculum. To reach men, SHARE is focusing on creating a prayer network with the new believers in each village, have them listen to the Word from the Audio Bible regularly, and attend screenings of The Jesus Film in the surrounding villages.
SHARE Director, Dalmas Esekon, and his wife Sarah traveled to Toposa in October. They assisted in DMM training for 33 proposed Champions in Kapoeta County, along with 13 TOI missionaries. The missionaries are making it their priority through the end of this year to spend time training Champions and establishing Lighthouses.
This month, 100 Toposa people put their faith in Christ as Savior and 67 were baptized! Some areas of Toposaland were blessed with rain, so the missionaries were able to baptize in the pools of water in the villages. They handed out 105 Audio Bibles & 4 hard-copy Bibles and 66 DMM bookmarks to believers.

Missionary Anjelina Napem teaching Champions in her outreach area the DMM methodology

Missionary Alfred Morulem sharing the Gospel with villagers

Champion Loguwa sharing the Gospel with the villagers using the DMM bookmark after his training