The SEED – September 2022
September 2022
“For in the Gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: ‘The righteous will live by faith.’“
– Romans 1:17
Special Appeal by Founder, Sammy Murimi
The end of Year 2022 is approaching fast! And so is the reality of reaching the remaining 35% unreached Turkana people with the Gospel sooner through the proven DMM Methodology, the prospect of accelerating the spread of the Good News across the northern frontier of Turkanaland into Toposaland through our ongoing Next Generation Initiative, and the call to spur believers to increasingly become self-supporting and self-sustaining through the arm of the established Share Society Kenya entity. The need to develop a robust strategy that will make all that happen faster is now urgent. It is therefore now critical for me to spend time on the ground in Turkanaland to work with the SHARE staff during the month of December this year to enhance, facilitate, and help propel execution of that strategy before Year 2023 kicks in.
To free me up to do that in early December, I need to raise the remaining balance of funds to meet the 2022 budget ahead of time. You will be receiving a letter from me in the mail soon that indicates the balance amount needed. I kindly request you to prayerfully consider the special appeal in the letter and make your year-end donation before December if possible in the envelope to be enclosed with the letter, or in the designation box if donating online by clicking the ‘Click to Donate’ button below or at
All-the-while, together, let’s praise the Lord together for the ongoing outreach by the Turkana believers themselves to the Toposa people of South Sudan, and the inroads they already are making to the unreached Nyang’atom people of Ethiopia that’s taking center stage more and more. Indeed, the Turkana people have become a “Missionary Tribe”! Hallelujah! Thank you for your continued support for this ministry. You may reach me at
– Sammy
Thank you SO MUCH for your prayers and support!
In Sopel Zone, SHARE has planted 45 churches to date. With the newest one planted at the end of August in Nakoyo-angisikiria Village! These churches are discipled by 17 Motivators who live within walking distances of the villages that they serve. Over 3,300 people attend church weekly, including 1,000 children. In August, 117 villagers accepted Christ in the zone and 38 were baptized.
Nine members of the SHARE staff traveled to Sopel Zone at the end of August to conduct a mini-STORM, along with 4 Motivators who serve in the zone. They reached 4 villages with the Gospel message through homestead-to-homestead evangelism, age/gender appropriate teachings, DMM Training, and screening The Jesus Film. A total of 176 people attended the DMM training; 38 people were saved.
Attendance at The Jesus Film screenings was as follows:
- Elelea Village – 106; 21 saved
- Kalomegur Village – 136; 11 saved
- Nakoyo-angisikiria Village – 113; 1 saved
- Nakurichanait Village – 76 attending;13 saved
Motivator James Lolem will oversee this new church planted in Nakoyo-angisikira Village. At the first service in this village, there were 51 believers in attendance, and 38 of those chose to be baptized. Six of the believers have indicated their desire to be discipled and become Champions to disciple others. They will join the current 74 Champions in the zone and multiply disciples beyond the present 309.
Video: Testimonies from 3 believers in Nakoyo-angisikiria Village
The number of young men attending church services in Lokori, Sopel, and Kalemng’orok Zones has increased over the last month. In August there were over 6,000 young men attending church services, with 2,500 also involved in a Lighthouse throughout Turkana. They have been sharing their faith and leading others to Christ. In August alone, they led 351 people to Christ, including 135 young men; 7 were baptized. These young men are the disciple-makers of tomorrow for Turkana and beyond borders. Pray for them as they learn to share their faith and the Gospel message.
The Young Men in Nakoyo-angisikiria Village, area Adult Literacy Teachers, and SHARE Staff
Missionary James Lomudang using the DMM Bookmark to share the Gospel message with some villagers
Proposed Champion (her back to the camera) sharing the Gospel message with her family
Missionaries John Eipa (right) and Phanuel Loole (center with Bible) spending the morning with a Toposa family
The Children’s Ministry Coordinator, Mary Esinyen, talking to the children about what they had been learning that morning in class. DMM teaching methodology is inscribed on the back of their t-shirts.
Adults sitting in the back of the classroom as the children receive a snack
Reaching the Nyang’atom People of Ethiopia
On Thursday, September 8th at 4:00 am, 23 SHARE staff and Motivator departed from the SEND Center in Lodwar on a 253-mile journey to Kang’aten Township in Ethiopia. They traveled through rough terrain, encountering multiple flat tires, mud holes in the road, and getting stuck in River Nakuwa. The team breathed a sigh of relief as they entered Ethiopia where the main roads are tarmac – but they did have to remember to drive on the other side of the road once they entered Ethiopia!
Back in 2019, the SHARE Team had done an outreach in Kibish near the Ethiopian border, but at that time they had to be under police escort due to the raids and robbery in the area. The team had prayed during that outreach with hope that one day they would be able to cross the River Nakuwa and bring the Gospel message to the people of Ethiopia. On September 9, 2022 God was answering their prayers! They crossed the river and entered Ethiopia!
The team arrived at Kang’aten at 11:00am. The existing Ashenafi Birhan Pentecostal Assemblies of God Church there had made all the preparations. The team gathered for prayer of thanksgiving, followed by welcome, greetings, fascinating and awesome Nyang’atom music, lyrics and dance, then introductions.
The congregation was then divided into social groups of Men, Women, Young Men, Girls, and Children and taught the DMM methodology by the team. That was followed by a session by Dalmas with Church leaders, which was also graced by the local Nyang’atom Magistrate and the Inspector of Police. The Nyang’atom residents were very pleased with the sessions and promised to replicate the methodology to others. Over 800 people attended the meeting in Kang’aten. The Jesus Film was screened to 850 people. A total of 38 believed the Good News and received Christ as Savior. The team distributed food and clothes to residents of Kang’aten village. On the trip back, the team made another stop in Kibish, Kenya where a church service with 112 people were in attendance was held and 9 of them received Christ!
The Team stopped in Kang’itusia Village (Kenya) to change a flat tire before crossing the River Nakuwa, into Ethiopia, shared the Gospel and gave Audio Bibles to a crowd that gathered to watch.
Crossing River Nakuwa into Ethiopia
The SHARE Team being introduced to the congregation at Kang’aten
SHARE Director, Dalmas Esekon, talking with the Church Leaders in Kang’aten
The church plant in Nakoyo-angisikiria Village, Sopel Zone and for all those that came to Christ
Donors providing the necessary tools to reach the Toposa people
Rains that have started in Toposaland
Openness that the Toposa people have to the TOI Missionaries
The building of the Sending Center
The safe and successful recent vision trip to the Nyang’atom people of Ethiopia
Champions in Turkanaland to establish solid DMM Lighthouses
More Adult Literacy Classes and Early Childhood Schools are needed in Turkana and Toposa
Kidnapping of young girls in Toposa along the South Sudan-Ethiopian border would stop
Establishment of solid DMM Lighthouses and Champions in Toposa
Moderate rainfall to eradicate prevalent drought and famine, which is forcing families to migrate away from their home churches, both in Turkana and Toposa
For the Young men who are Champions
Peace between the Turkana and the Pokot people
Guidance regarding expanding the ministry into Ethiopia