The SEED – August 2022

 In The SEED Newsletters of 2022


August 2022

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly. 

– 2 Timothy 2:15-16

STORM Team 1 – July 5-17

On July 6th this year, the first STORM team since summer 2019 embarked upon a trip to Kenya to share the Gospel message with the Turkana people in three villages. The majority of the team members attend Covenant Church of Naples in Florida. The team ministered to various age/gender-appropriate groups for four days in two villages – two days each – and a day in one other village using the Disciple-Making Movement (DMM) curriculum.
    In previously reached Lomopus Village (Chokchok Zone; about 23 miles southeast of Lodwar), a total of 557 villagers attended the meetings, with 74 making a confession of faith in Christ as Savior. All of them were also baptized!
   In the previously unreached Namon Village (Kalobeyei Zone; about 100 miles north of Lodwar), where the team conducted homestead-to-homestead evangelism and spent the night, a total of 848 villagers heard the Gospel message, with 57 accepting Christ as Savior and all baptized!
   In previously reached Kakwanyang Village (about 20 miles east of Lodwar), the Gospel message was shared with 506 villagers, with a total of 77 people confessing Christ as Savior. All the new believers were also baptized!
       One of the pastors on the team taught close to 200 indigenous pastor-missionaries, evangelists, and Adult Literacy teachers at the SEND Center in Lodwar for 4 days.
Ministering to Children
Ministering to Young Girls
Distribution of food in Namon Village
Pastor Bob Petterson teaching the Pastor-Missionaries at the SEND Center in Lodwar

STORM Team 2 – July 16-29

The second team arrived Lodwar on July 18th. This team comprised of members from three churches: Turning Point Community Church in Lubbock, TX; Galena Bible Church in Galena, IL; and Bridge Community Church in Ruston, LA. Like Team 1, Team 2 used the DMM Curriculum to minister in three villages – two days in each village.
      In previously unreached Koelribo Village (about 25 miles north of Lodwar), where the team spent the night, about 420 villagers were in attendance, with 87 making a decision to follow Christ and 48 baptized!
      In previously reaached Natadei Village (about 26 miles northeast of Lodwar) the team ministered to 318 villagers, with 164 people accepting Christ as Savior and all baptized!
      And in prevously reached Nakimak Village (about 28 miles south of Lodwar), a total of 456 villagers were ministered to, with 283 accepting Christ as Savior and 227 baptized!
      Two of the pastors on Team 2 taught indigenous pastor-missionaries, evangelists, and Adult Literacy teachers at the SEND Center in Lodwar for 4 days.

Ministering to Men
Ministering to Women
Ministering to Young Men
Pastor Gary Kirst teaching the Pastor-Missionaries at the SEND Center in Lodwar
Despite the persistent drought and famine in Turkanaland that has forced some residents in all six villages to migrate in search of pasture and water for their livestock, God used the teams to minister to the many that had remained behind.
       The SHARE-supported Monitors, Motivators, Evangelists, and Champions in the zones where the villages are located will continue to follow up with all the new believers, discipling, encouraging, and teaching them how to make disciples of others. And the Lord will add to His Church as many as will receive Him as Savior (Acts 2:47)!
  • American & African Participants: 43
  • Days of Travel & Ministry: 27
  • Villages Reached: 6
  • Villagers in Attendance: 3,948
  • Saved: 793
  • Baptized: 647
  • Churches Planted: 2
  • Pastor-Missionaries, Evangelists, and Adult Literacy Teachers Taught:194
  • The Jesus Film was screened in all 6 villages
The teams’ leaders and SHARE’s indigenous staff wish to thank the STORM-2022 participants for serving with them in Turkanaland. To God be all the glory!
Video: Testimonies from First-Time and Returning STORM Participants

Testimonies from Other STORM Team Participants: 

  • Seeing life change not only with the kids’ ministry, but in hearing about the mature men in the unreached village and the women in both reached villages, was incredible. It really was how I imagine the days after Pentecost were: Peter and the other apostles preached, and thousands heard the Good News because of the work of the Holy Spirit. I cannot even express how incredibly thankful I am to have been part of such a wonderful team and how humbled I am that God allowed me to take part in His work.
  • I learned that the time I put into preparing helped me to stand up and share the Gospel …and as I did, I knew that God was leading, and His Spirit was empowering my weak flesh. I never feel like I’m enough. God showed me that I am. I had not expected that. I can do all things through He who strengthens me!
  • Seeing God’s Word work! This was the first “evangelistic only” trip that I have been on and I thought, “Well, let’s see if His Word really works”!! I mean we shared God’s story and the Bible passages and our own stories. And what do you know? His Word went into hearts! I was so glad to see the baptisms! I was glad our team was prepared in the way it was because it has equipped me to easily have those same discussions here in the US!
  • A major highlight of the trip was experiencing about a dozen of the mature women of the unreached village bravely and publicly turn their backs on their “old life” by throwing down their Idols, the things they have used to fill the emptiness or escape brokenness – charms, drugs, chewing tobacco, etc. It only took one brave woman to start. The interpreters – Rachel and Sarah – were incredible. I am pretty positive these women were all then baptized. Praise God!
  • Click here to listen to Pastor Chuck’s moving testimony regarding his experience in Turkana

(The following report is from the month of June as all the 15 missionaries serving among the Toposa people of South Sudan traveled back to Turkanaland, Kenya for the month of July to visit their families, participate in STORM, and to vote in the general election.)
The missionaries continue to be well received by villagers in Toposaland. In June, the team ministered in 30 villages, with 53 people accepting Christ as Savior. Lack of water kept the new believers from being baptized. A total of 39 Champions have now been identified. They are being trained to form Lighthouses and make disciples who will make disciples of others using the DMM methodology. The team is following up with the new believers on weekly basis. A total of 29 solar-powered Audio Bibles and 17 signage bookmarks have been handed out to the new believers. Establishing Lighthouses has been challenging as seasonal migration of believers in search of pasture and water for their livestock continues to hinder the process.

Community Worship Service in one of the villages reached by Missionaries in Toposaland

Missionary William Mariao sharing the Gospel in a new village he is reaching after positive reception

The new Next-Gen Sending Centers in Kangipusia (Kachoda Zone) and Lomilmil (Kalobeyei Zone) villages have been a tremendous blessing to the communities. The primary purpose of the centers is to train children and youth believers how to make disciples of others and to provide education at the same time. The children no longer have to meet under trees for classes. The buildings are now being used for Sunday worship services! Training in the DMM methodology and teaching the Early Childhood Education Development classes is the order of the day Monday through Friday. On Saturdays, the youth use the facilities for Bible Study meetings and choir practice! The communities are very grateful and excited to have the centers in their villages. One mother commented that she is very grateful because now she knows her children are in a safe place even when it rains. The communities would like to thank the donors for providing these facilities.
    Construction of the third Sending Center will commence soon in Nakoros Village, Kalobeyei Zone. We will keep you updated.

Children outside the Sending Center in Kangipusia Village ready to learn

Children inside the Next-Gen Center in Lomilmil Village wearing their new SHARE T-shirts

Video: Monitor James Echarait from Kalobeyei Zone shares about
the purpose and impact of the Sending Centers and DMM Centers


  • Two successful STORM trips in July 2022, with nearly 4,000 people hearing the Gospel message, many saved and baptized, and 2 churches planted!
  • Donors providing the necessary tools to reach the Turkana and Toposa people with the Gospel
  • Continued openness by the Toposa people to the SHARE Missionaries living and sharing the Gospel among them
  • Healing for SHARE’s Toposa Ministry Coordinator, Jackson Erus, from Malaria, Typhoid, and Brucella


  • Security in Kalemng’orok Zone
  • Establishment of more Lighthouses, schools, and provision of the necessary outreach supplies in Turkanaland and Toposaland
  • Completion of ongoing construction of the Sending Centers in Kachoda and Kalobeyei Zones
  • Growing spiritually strong and healthy congregations and Lighthouses
  • Moderate rainfall in Turkanaland & Toposaland
  • Provision of clean drinking water and food relief in villages  throughout Turkanaland and Toposaland
  • Complete cease of kidnapping of girls in Toposa along the South Sudan-Ethiopia border
  • Health of Motivators and Evangelists in the harsh conditions they live in
  • Upcoming exploratory Outreach and Discipleship Training Seminar among the Nyang’atom people of Ethiopia by the SHARE staff

Thank you for your continued support for this ministry. As you can tell, your partnership with us is bearing amazing fruit for eternity. Thank you SO MUCH! We urge you to continue supporting this ministry. The remaning budget for 3Q is $147,339/KShs.14,733,900

You may reach Sammy, SHARE Founder, at 318-243-4243 or or Dalmas, SHARE Director, at +254-711565644 or

We also request you to consider sponsoring one or more of our Motivators that are in need of support at $2,400/KShs.240,000 per year (or $200/KShs.20,000 per month). You can sign up to support one here.

Thank you SO MUCH for your prayers and support!


Men wear a draped cloth, and women wear leather skirts embellished
with colored beads. Both men and women scar their bodies.
The young men are proud of the beauty of their hair.



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