The SEED – May 2022
May 2022
– Romans 10:1

Just before Easter, the SHARE team, consisting of Jacktan Kachi, Ann Karmojiong, Simon Akuta, Mary Esinyen, Peterson Lokaabuk, Wilson Ekamais, Sarah Esekon, Andrew Edan, and Mary Tukei, working with Josephat Lomuria, the area Motivator and his evangelists, planted a new church in Nangoleki Village, about 47 miles from Lodwar; population of about 600. From April 11th – 15th the team screened The Jesus Film in Nachok, Akatuman, Nakuron and Nangoleki villages. A total of 701 villagers attended the screenings, and 110 people accepted Christ. They also held open-air meetings with 235 in attendance, and 7 people accepted Christ. During the age-appropriate teaching, 278 villagers were in attendance, with 114 people accepting Christ!

Missionary John Eipa sharing the Audio Bible with the Village Sultan (Chief)

Missionary John Eipa sharing the Audio Bible with the Village Sultan (Chief)

The TOI Missionaries were able to share the Gospel message with this entire village! They are often not allowed to do this. They can usually share one on one or in small groups.
Magdalene’s Testimony

It is exciting to share construction of the very first of 14 Sending Centers is almost done in Kangipusia Village, Kachoda Zone (see picture below). Construction of the second center is almost underway in Kalobeyei Zone. It is a monumental task as all the bricks are made by hand, one-at-a-time, and must dry before the construction process can begin.

The roof will be added by the end of May

- For the rain in some areas!
- The church plant in Nangoleki Village, Chokchok Zone and for all those that came to Christ
- For the effectiveness of the DMM curriculum
- For the DMM Center and the water pump in Chokchok
- For the donors providing the necessary tools to reach the Toposa people
- Continued commitment and dedication of SHARE staff, Motivators, and Champions
- For the continued openness by the Toposa people to the TOI Missionaries living and sharing the Gospel with them
- Ongoing construction of the Sending Centers in Kachoda and Kalobeyei Zones
- More Adult Literacy Classes, Early Childhood Schools, and supplies in Turkana and Toposa
- That kidnapping of young girls in Toposa along the South Sudan-Ethiopia border would stop
Motivators to grow spiritually strong and healthy congregations and Lighthouses
- Establishment of solid DMM Lighthouses and Champions in Toposa
Moderate rainfall to eradicate prevalent drought and famine
- Drilling boreholes of clean drinking water and relief for starving masses throughout Turkana and Toposa
- Peace between the Turkana and the Pokot people

Thank you for your continued support for this ministry. Your partnership with us is bearing amazing fruit for eternity. We encourage you to continue with your support a together we stay the course and cause of Christ, even as His return draws nigh by the day. We invite you to join with us in raising the remaining budget of $78,575/KShs.7,857,500 for the 2nd Quarter of 2022.
You may reach Sammy, SHARE Founder, at 318-243-4243 or or Dalmas, SHARE Director, at +254-711565644 or
We also request you to consider sponsoring one or more of our Motivators that are in need of support at $2,400/KShs.240,000 per year (or $200/KShs.20,000 per month). You can sign up to support one here.
Thank you SO MUCH for your prayers and support!