The SEED – November 2022

 In The SEED Newsletters of 2022


November 2022

“In this way the Word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power.
– Acts 19:20

Financial Update

You all have been a tremendous encouragement to all of us serving the Lord through SHARE. Many, many thanks for your prayers and donations. 

We are almost there! We have $139,226 to go to meet this year’s $800,000 budget! I am confident the Lord will provide the amount through His people before December 7th, when I leave for Turkanaland. 

I invite you to join me in thanking and praising the Lord for the 4,487 that have been led to faith in Christ as Savior and and the 1,840 believers baptized in Turkanaland and Toposaland between January and October this year, which brings the total number saved to 96,697 and 16,587 baptized (whenever water was available) since 1997!

Together we have witnessed God’s faithfulness through the years. We at SHARE are all set to do even “greater things than these” for Him (John 14:12) in 2023. “The one who calls (us) is faithful, and He will do it” again (1 Thessalonians 5:24). And because we know He will, let’s remain “strong” and go all out to “do exploits” (Daniel 11:32) in His Name! 

You can donate by mail to the address shown below or online by clicking the ‘Click to Donate’ button below.

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

– Sammy

VIDEO: Recap of 2022 by SHARE Director, Dalmas Esekon


Thank you SO MUCH for your prayers and support!

One new church was established in Nayada Zone this month – in Kekoroeng’orok Village, where 66 people accepted Christ and 38 baptized! It is under the leadership of Evangelist Sammy Lokato Monti. This brings the total SHARE-planted churches in the zone to 44, which are led by 23 Motivators and Evangelists.

There continues to be many challenges in Nayada Zone. The area has not had any rain since January. This has caused many families to leave the area in search of pasture for their livestock. In spite of this, the church is continuing to grow. A total of 43 people accepted Christ, and 38 were baptized in the zone where water was available.

Evangelism using the DMM methodology (“3-Walks, 3-Circles, & 3-Stones”) has been very effective in reaching the people of Nayada Zone. The Audio Bibles, the DMM Bookmarks and screening of The Jesus Film projectors have greatly increased the spread of the Gospel through the 39 Champions and 241 disciple-makers in the zone.


My name is Paul Eregae. I am a resident of Kekoroeng’orok Village, Nayada Zone. My pastor is Evangelist Michael Lokatur Monti. I would like to thank the SHARE team that came to our village. I used to sell firewood and didn’t know anything about God’s Word. The SHARE team began sharing the Gospel and I understood the message that Christ died for my sins. I confessed my sins, repented, and I am now a new creation, forgiven by God! I was also baptized!
    I expressed a desire to work with the youth in my village and to share my faith story with them. The SHARE Team gave me an Audio Bible to help me share the message of the Gospel with them. I cannot thank God enough for this Gospel and for sending the team to our village.  Thank you so much SHARE team.”

VIDEO: Mark and Selina, new believers from Kekoroeng’orok Village, share their testimonies. Selina decides to be baptized.
The SHARE Team praying for a village elder during homestead-to-homestead visitations
Motivator Michael Lokatur conducting the first worship service in Kekoroeng’orok Village
Motivators Peter Lomanat (in white T-shirt) and James Lomoru (bending over) baptizing new believers at the nearest pond of water
Staffer Sarah Esekon distributing food to the hungry
Reaching the men of Turkana has been a hard road. But slowly, the men are seeing the difference that Jesus in making in the lives of their family members and are turning to Christ. Last month, 26 men accepted Christ as Savior, and 3 were baptized. Christian men in Turkanaland shared their faith with others, resulting in 447 people trusting Christ as Savior!
   Drought has been devastating on families; they are forced to leave their villages and wander in search of food and water. Many of the elderly are suffering from starvation and are in poor health. Some of the younger families are leaving Kenya and traveling to Uganda.
Motivator James Lomoru teaching discipleship multiplication method to men
In October, the Toposa Outreach Initiative (TOI) Missionaries continued to share the Gospel message in 31 villages. They are developing relationships with the Toposa people by staying in the villages, living with the people in their huts. In this way, they are able to spend one-on-one time with the proposed Champions, teaching them and working with them daily as they learn to share their story and God’s story with the people around them. There are currently 50 men and women who have indicated a desire to learn more so they can share their new found faith with others. Please pray that they will become bolder in sharing the Gospel message with others as they use the DMM Curriculum. To reach men, SHARE is focusing on creating a prayer network with the new believers in each village, have them listen to the Word from the Audio Bible regularly, and attend screenings of The Jesus Film in the surrounding villages.
    SHARE Director, Dalmas Esekon, and his wife Sarah traveled to Toposa in October. They assisted in DMM training for 33 proposed Champions in Kapoeta County, along with 13 TOI missionaries. The missionaries are making it their priority through the end of this year to spend time training Champions and establishing Lighthouses.
   This month, 100 Toposa people put their faith in Christ as Savior and 67 were baptized! Some areas of Toposaland were blessed with rain, so the missionaries were able to baptize in the pools of water in the villages. They handed out 105 Audio Bibles & 4 hard-copy Bibles and 66 DMM bookmarks to believers.

Missionary Anjelina Napem teaching Champions in her outreach area the DMM methodology

Missionary Alfred Morulem sharing the Gospel with villagers

Champion Loguwa sharing the Gospel with the villagers using the DMM bookmark after his training

Classes have begun at Kangipusia Sending Center in Kachoda Zone, with 252 children and youth currently attending and more anticipated every week. Their teacher, Simon Aromug, is teaching them about God’s love for mankind through the story of creation. The students range in age from 1-14 years. Most of them are able to recite and write the alphabet, read simple words, count to 100, and add and subtract. Simon is currently borrowing educational tools from other Early Childhood Development Centers far off until he receives a consignment of his own from SHARE in December, which will include desks and school supplies. The Center is also used for women’s weekly fellowship, youth’s choir practice, intercessory prayers, and worship services. The youth do a thorough cleaning of the Center once a week.
   At the Lomilmil Sending Center in Kalobeyei Zone, 253 children and youth ranging in age from 2-14, attend classes in the morning on weekdays and 25 adults in the afternoons twice a week. The Center’s teacher, Joseph Kotome, teaches the children and youth how to share their faith story to their friends and family, recite and write the alphabet, do math, and read simple words. Currently, Joseph is using the Audio Bible as his teaching tool. SHARE will deliver desks and school supplies to the Center in December.
   Construction of the Nakoros Sending Center in Kalopbeyei Zone has also been completed and is in the process of establishing classes. Children and youth in this area do not have much food and the school is unable to provide at this time. The children are a little reluctant to come to school.
   Construction of the fourth Sending Center is underway in Wapet Village, Kalobeyei Zone! Children and adults in the village are very excited to witness this permanent structure being built in the area. Children and youth often sit under the trees a little distance away to watch the building process. Very soon they will attend school at this Center! Some of the adults provide sweat equity in the construction.

(The completed Sending Centers are marked in red.)

Next-Gen Coordinator, Mary Esinyen, and the builder inspecting the bricks that have been made and are drying in the hot sun

The foundation has been laid in Wapet Village – the 4th Sending Center


  • The church plant in Kekoroeng’orok Village, Nayada Zone and for all those that came to Christ
  • Donors providing the necessary tools to reach the Toposa people
  • Construction of the Sending Center in Wapet Village
  • Good health for all the SHARE Staff and Motivators/Missionaries
  • Over 500 students are being taught in the 3 completed Sending Centers
  • Rain in Toposaland
  • Openness that the Toposa people have toward the SHARE Missionaries


  • Turkana men to continue to grow in their faith and share their faith with others
  • All the Motivators/Missionaries and Evangelists shepherding the many churches in Turkanaland and Toposaland
  • Champions in Turkanaland and Toposaland to establish solid DMM Lighthouses
  • Good health in Toposaland, as there are no health facilities nearby (Illness and increased malaria cases are high in the villages during this rainy season.)
  • Deliverance for those addicted to illicit drugs, alcohol, and tobacco
  • Safety for the TOI Missionaries as travel has become challenging in the rainy season
  • TOI Missionary Peter Lomong who was in a motorcycle accident. He should be back on the road in November.
  • Establishment of more Adult Literacy Classes and Early Childhood Schools in Turkanaland and Toposaland
  • Stoppage of kidnapping of young girls in Toposa along the South Sudan-Ethiopian border
  • Moderate rainfall in Turkanaland to eradicate prevalent drought and famine, which is forcing families to migrate away from their home churches/Lighthouses
  • Peace between the Turkana and the Pokot tribes along the Kalemng’orok and Lokori Zones’ borders
  • Discernment and guidance regarding expanding outreach to the largely unreached Nyang’atom people of Ethiopia
Boys are taught to herd livestock and girls to look after the home and take care of elderly and young children.



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