The SEED – February 2021
So we preach Christ to everyone. With all possible wisdom we warn and teach them in order to bring each one into God’s presence as a mature individual in union with Christ..
– Colossians 1:28 GNT

Motivators continue to do homestead-to-homestead prayer meetings in their villages to encourage church members. They also meet the needs of some of the vulnerable people in the villages with funds provided by the area churches.
Currently, there are 60 churches in Kalobeyei Zone. A total of 24 villagers accepted Christ this month! Due to COVID-19 restrictions, no one was baptized this month. Believers are actively sharing their faith through their Lighthouses. They continue to use the projector provided by SHARE to screen The Jesus Film during revival meetings in various villages. Churches in close proximity hold joint prayer meetings to pray for God’s protection over their zone.
Lighthouses are thriving! There are 73 Champions, with a total of 755 participants being trained to make disciples of others! While the Motivators are glad to have a large number of women becoming Champions, they are also finding that to be a challenge for the men in the zone who prefer men as leaders.
The 100 Audio Bibles that they have are widely used by the Motivators and Champions for Bible study and to teach the DMM methodology. Families are using Audio Bibles and DMM Bookmarks in their homes for ‘family story-telling sessions’. Believers are praying that more lost souls will come to Christ this year.
Sammy Erot’s Testimony

I have been a cattle rustler since I was a youth. We would do daily raids along the Uganda border. Raiding has been my lifestyle and my family’s source of income. I have spent a lot of time hunting in the bushes for cattle from the neighborhood; even stealing from my own people.
I encountered Jesus while attending a church service in Oropoi Village. This service was conducted by Motivator James Echarait. There I gave my life to Christ. I gave my gun and sword to other family members and decided to follow Christ. My family has turned their backs on me because of my decision to follow Christ. I am trusting God to provide for me. I am now a Champion, leading a Lighthouse of 8 youths. I am an active member of the church, and I have a thirst to make disciples who will lead others to Christ.

There are 24 Lighthouses with 24 Champions and a total of 139 disciples learning how to make disciples of others. The concept of Lighthouses is gaining momentum. The groups face the obstacles of unproductive cultural and animistic practices and nomadism in the region.
Motivators and Champions encourage believers to stay strong in their Christian walk. Believers continue to share the difference Christ has made in their lives. They participate in each other’s lives and meet each other’s physical and spiritual needs. The Motivators pray that more DMM Lighthouses will be formed and more disciples made.

Motivator Jackson Ekai Esekon facilitating a Lighthouse using an Audio Bible
Sunday School in Loreng Village, Kachoda Zone
Another 1,000 solar-powered complete (OT & NT) Audio Bibles have just arrived at SHARE’s office in Lodwar! They will soon be distributed to the eager Word-thirsty souls all across Turkanaland.
A Student’s Testimony

I grew up in the church and when the salvation message was explained to me through the 3 Circles, I understood that Christ died for me, and I needed to decide if I would accept His gift of salvation. I am here to tell you that, YES, I accepted His gift, and He has changed my life. Praise God!
I attend the Adult Literacy Class at the Nayada Zone DMM Center, taught by Charles Ngasike Moru. Through this class I have learned how to read the Word of God, write, and understand the Word. Monitor Joseph Lobelia has now asked me to be responsible for recording the accounts for the church. I write the money that comes in into an accounting book and record what is spent. I then have an accurate record of the money. If I had not taken the Adult Literacy Class, this would not be possible for me.
Construction of the Katapakin Zone DMM Center is finished; final touches are being applied!

- With COVID restrictions reduced, the DMM Center in Kachoda is being used regularly for Sunday worship, Lighthouse meetings, and Adult Literary classes.
- The Construction of the DMM Center in Katapakin is complete. Only one more center to go – in Lokori Zone!
- Many have been saved, healed, and protected as God’s Word continues to be shared by Motivators and disciples
- Increased number of disciples and Lighthouses, and spiritual growth in Kalobeyei and Kachoda Zones
- 1,000 Audio Bibles arrived in Lodwar last week to be distributed among churches and Lighthouses
- Clean drinking water across Turkanaland
- Strength for Motivators in growing spiritually strong believers
- Safe travel for Motivators as they travel to villages and DMM Centers for ministry
- More men to answer the call of becoming Champions
- Cessation of insecurity within the neighboring community of Uganda that borders Turkana County, especially around Kibish, Lokamarinyang, and Todonyang Villages
- Provision of funds from local believers towards fencing for DMM Compounds
- Moderate rain to grow pasture for livestock, so as to keep people from frequent migration
Please pray for these Motivators in Kalobeyei Zone:
Miramoe Nickelby Ekiru
Michael Areman
James Echarait
Amount needed for 1Q – $155,000
Thank you SO MUCH for your prayers and support!
We also request you to consider sponsoring one or more of our Motivators that are still without support at $2,400/year. You can sign up to support one at missionary/.
You may also mail your donation to:
SHARE International, Inc.
P.O. Box 1011
Wolfforth, TX 79382
You may reach Sammy Murimi at:
You may reach the SHARE Director, Dalmas Esekon, at:
STORM 2016 Children’s Ministry Team
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