The SEED – January 2021
‘So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.’
– Colossians 2:6-7 NIV
Updates from the Zones indicated in blue are featured in this newsletter.


Motivators have continued to meet with their congregations, sharing the Word and encouraging people to stay strong in their walk with God. The congregations are growing in their faith through active involvement in their respective Lighthouses. There are 64 Lighthouses in the Zone, with 62 Champions leading them. Champions meet regularly with the disciples in their Lighthouses to pray, worship, and share their testimonies. They also do homestead-to-homestead evangelism. They are finding that the Audio Bibles and the DMM Bookmarks are great tools for evangelism. In the photo above, Lighthouse disciple, Ann Nasipan, is describing how she uses the signage bookmark to share her faith.
In the video below Joseph Ekono of Ngasapanet Village shares his involvement in Lighthouses and how they are encouraging the believers in his village through prayer and fellowship.

Currently there are 34 churches in Sopel Zone. A total of 17 people came to faith in December. Ministry continued with weekly homestead-to-homestead evangelism, Lighthouse meetings, group prayers, and reading/listening to the Word of God. Plans are underway for a new church plant in one of the unreached villages in the Zone.
There are 53 Lighthouses with a Champion in each. They use the DMM tools, especially the Audio Bible, in Lighthouses, at home, and with their neighbors. In the photo above, Champion Jacob Ewaar is instructing his Lighthouse how to use the DMM Bookmark to share their faith with others.
Some of the challenges that the Zone faces include: Fear of gathering because of COVID and migration in search of pasture for their livestock.

Testimony of a Sunday School Child
Testimony of a Sunday School Teacher

The teacher in this picture is using DMM tools – solar-powered Audio Bibles and signage bookmarks – to teach the students how to read, write, and share their faith stories.
Share plans to begin AL classes in Kalemng’orok and Lokori Zones.
Adult Literacy Teacher, Erik Ekitela, teaching the DMM methodology, and Student, Esther Emuria, demonstrating what she has learned

Construction of the Katapakin Zone DMM Center is now underway! The supplies have arrived; foundation has been laid; blocks are being made; the walls will be going up soon! This will the 9th of the 10 centers that SHARE set out to build in 2017.

DMM Lighthouses are thriving in Sopel and Chokchok Zones.
Share has purchased another 1,000 Audio Bibles!
DMM Centers have been a great resource as a common meeting area for DMM Lighthouses and training.
Ongoing construction of Katapakin Zone DMM Center
Plans for inauguration of the Toposa Outreach Partnership Initiative (TOPI) are now at advanced stage. Stay tuned!
Cessation of hostilities in Lokori Zone, so construction of DMM Center there can begin in March
Planning of new church plants in targeted, unreached villages across Turkanaland
Funds to be raised locally to purchase materials for fencing all DMM Center compounds
Please pray for these Motivators in Chokchok Zone:
Patrick Ngasike
John Lomulen
Nicholas Losike
To view updates on what the Lord is doing through the Motivators click here.
Their profiles been updated through November.
Amount needed for 1Q – $155,000
Thank you SO MUCH for your prayers and support!
We also request you to consider sponsoring one or more of our Motivators that are still without support at $2,400/year. You can sign up to support one at missionary/.
You may also mail your donation to:
SHARE International, Inc.
P.O. Box 1011
Wolfforth, TX 79382
You may reach Sammy Murimi at:
2017 Bible Pathways Class with Their U.S. Instructors
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