The SEED – February 2020
Follow Up in Lokori & Kachoda Zones
January 20 – 25, 2020
In January, two separate SHARE teams returned to Nakwakaal (Kachoda Zone) and Lokaliban (Lokori Zone) villages to follow-up on progress in the churches they planted back in December and to implement the Disciple-Making Movement training.
Together with the two Zones’ Motivators and Champions, the teams trained a total of 302 believers and started 7 cell-groups! A total of 33 people put their faith in Christ as Savior, and 22 of them were baptized!
On their way back to Lodwar, the team from Kachoda Zone stopped by Nakitoikakumon Village, where they screened The Jesus Film. A total of 61 attended and 14 put their faith in Christ as Savior!
Please pray for the following needs in these three villages:
– New believers to grow in their faith
– The Champions to take responsibility of going out in the villages to share the Gospel
– Distribution of Turkana language Audio Bibles for use in cell-groups
– Provision of water for domestic use
– Small children who walk long distances to school
Miraculous Healing
On the second day of teaching the DMM methodology in Nakwakaal Village, a young lady named Aruman Lopuya, who had joined James Ewoi’s group, gave a very painful and touching story of her life. She told us how she had gotten married to a “senseless” man who never bothered about her, even when she was pregnant. She gave birth to an overweight baby boy who did not cry at birth as normal babies do. Soon after the birth the baby developed a breathing problem. Aruman thought it was just ordinary mucus blocking his nostrils. The baby only breathed through his mouth. She took the baby to the nearby health center where the problem was diagnosed. She was referred to Eldoret Referral Hospital (nearly 350 miles away) for further treatment and management. The mother and baby stayed at the hospital for 2 weeks. The baby had a growth in his nostrils, but the doctors managed to remove it. Her experience in Eldoret was difficult, as she had never been to any big city before. She tried to call her husband for support, but he declined to talk to her. She had to call her father, who sold a camel to support her needs in Eldoret. By the grace of God, the child was healed, and they traveled back to Turkana.
In 2018, Aruman had her second baby boy. This baby developed health problems as well, including epilepsy. The baby couldn’t walk, crawl, or even hear. At one point, Aruman consulted a witchdoctor for help. The witchdoctor told her, that she had been bewitched by the many envious men who wanted to marry her. The remedy was to offer a goat to the witchdoctor to be slaughtered as appeasement to the gods. The condition of the baby still did not change. Aruman’s husband had since abandoned her because of her fate.
A friend advised Aruman to seek God’s intervention through prayers. She took the baby to the pastor in the village. They prayed. The child’s condition changed! After our teachings in the village, she urged us to go to her home and pray. We went and offered prayers. The Lord of mercy heard our prayers. The baby cried and attempted to walk! The baby’s ears were opened. He began to hear!
Monitor, David Koriang and David Ekaran helped the baby stand and walk (see photo). The family was marveled by the works of God. They are grateful to the Lord!
DMM Training in Nakiria Zone
Construction progress of Nakiria Zone DMM Center
Amazing DMM Rollout through the Adult Literacy Curriculum
The student enrollment in our 30 Adult Literacy classes in Turkanaland reached 1,351 in January! And the teachers have determined to make the contextualized DMM training methodology an integral part of the regular curriculum. As a result, there are now 30 First Generation Disciple-Making Teachers, who have reproduced and are training the methodology to 100 Second Generation Cell-Groups in 8 of the 10 Zones. Absolutely amazing!
Teaching the DMM Methodology
Some of SHARE’s Motivators in Kachoda Zone:
Ekidor Echoto
Samuel Ekai Echoto
Joshua Lokeiny
Motivators (Missionaries) Updates
Locust Invasion in Turkana County
Our Coordinators and Motivators from all ten Zones, and the different media outlets in Turkana County, report of devastating invasion by locusts across Turkanaland this month. Residents have expressed fears that their livestock will die from lack of pasture unless the government controls the spread.
We call upon our brothers and sisters to pray for God’s intervention. Pray for discernment and wisdom as Share prepares to address this catastrophic natural calamity.
Jacob Ekuam, a village elder, stands next to a tree without leaves in Kanukurmeri Village
(Photos by: Jared Nyataya | Nation Media Group)
Financial Stewardship:
You may also mail your donation to:
SHARE International, Inc.
P.O. Box 1011
Wolfforth, TX 79382
2008 Annual STORM Team
Turkana County is currently served by three commercial banks; Kenya Commercial Bank, Equity Bank, and Post Bank. The county has several micro finances serving the local residents, including KWFT, Kadet Micro-Finance, Elimu Sacco, and Turkana Teachers Sacco.