Nyang’atom Outreach Update – March 2024

 In Nyang'atom Outreach Updates

On March 11th, the SHARE Team traveled 260 miles to Kakuta Village in Ethiopia to aid the Ny’angatom Missionary Team with evangelistic outreach. Entering Ethiopia was challenging. The normal route was impassible due to flooding of a river, so they had to find a new route. The only other route was very dangerous. Fortunately, an escort of 6 Kenyan police officers on motorbikes was arranged to lead the Team safely across the border.

Upon arrival, the Team was welcomed by the Kakuta villagers. The people were very hospitable and kind. The Team shared the Gospel and a message of living peacefully with the Turkana people. The people received it well and agreed that the fighting between the two tribes had gone on long enough. The Team conducted homestead-to-homestead evangelism, and 3 villagers accepted Christ as Savior. About 515 people attended the screening of The Jesus Film and ministry teachings with another 131 people accepting Christ as Savior! Even the chief diviner of the village, Lokol Lomor, received salvation and decided to be baptized! Previously he had beaten and tortured men and women who were followers of Christ.

A total of 54 new believers were baptized, and new church was born! The church was planted in Nangolekoree Village, a village close to Kakuta. The Team also distributed 50 Audio Bibles to the new believers.

Afterward, some of the Team traveled on to Koutum Village, where they had previously planted a church in 2023. The church in Koutum Village is thriving and growing. They have even begun to build a shelter for worship. About 56 members attend this church regularly.

SHARE Staffer, James Ewoi, speaking at an open-air meeting in Nangolikoree Village

Baptizing new converts

The new congregation in Nangolekoree Village

Newly constructed church building in Koutum Village

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