Nyang’atom Outreach Update – January 2024

The formal launch of Nyang’atom mission work has been long awaited. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 3:1, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven”. It is now time for the Nyang’atom people of Ethiopia to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
The SHARE Team began making inroads to Ethiopia in 2022 to survey and analyze the unreached villages in Nyang’atomland. They developed a partnership with an existing church there that had invited them and were able to conduct church leaders training during that visit. The SHARE Team returned to Nyang’atomland again in 2023 to conduct outreach in 3 unreached villages alongside the partners of the existing church. A new church was planted in an unreached village and another church leaders training held! So far, 20 unreached villages have been identified.

The Nyang’atom Team was provided with Audio Bibles and SHARE T-shirts and caps. They were oriented on SHARE’s vision, mission, and expectations of them. They were also taught how to use the Audio Bible and trained on sharing the Gospel using the simplified and easy-to-replicate DMM methodology.
The Nyang’atom Missionary Team was very enthusiastic. They are thankful to the Founder, Dr. Sammy Murimi; the Director, Dalmas Esekon; and the entire International Board of Directors, for their invaluable support. Below is an updated photo of the official Nyang’atom Missionary Team. (Note that Motivator John Ebei Lokiria is no longer part of the team, as he was appointed the new Kachoda Zone Representative/Coordinator and will have new responsibilities. Nyang’atom-tribe Evangelist, Abdisa Ituk, is taking John’s place.)

Top (L-R): Bekele Loubin Lukucho, Elias Echom Loutien, Gabriel Napeiwi Lochege, Ilikori Ekuwom Lokuja, Jeremiah Tebakol
Middle: Abdisa Ituk, Kennedy Egiron Lokiriama, Kula Mama Lokoel, Lochampa Namuya Lopiao, Lochin Ekeno Alemoe
Bottom: Loreng Achok Tikapel, Lucas Akidor Nakotoi, Michael Ekolor Ekuwom, Mitiko Tikapel Lokwaat, Samuel Lokiriama Esinyen

SHARE Staffer, James Ewoi, praying over and commissioning the Nyang’atom Missionary Team

The commissioned Nyang’atom Missionary Team with SHARE Staff at Kibish Full Gospel Church
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