Breath to Share
In my devotions this morning the Lord spoke to me from Job 34:14-15: “If it were His intention and He withdrew His Spirit and breath, all humanity would perish together and mankind would return to the dust.” (NIV)
It was a fresh reminder for me that it’s not God’s intention right this very moment to withdraw His breath from me (though He could any moment). His breath in me gives me life each day; and that for a greater purpose than myself – to transform and use me in this short life so I can share with others His Bread of Life, the Living Water – Jesus Christ His Son! That’s the daily privilege accorded to each one of us that have put our faith in Christ as Savior.
The fact that you are reading this means it’s God’s intention not to withdraw His breath from you right now so you can join hands with Him and us to reach even more of the remaining unreached Turkana souls in the shortest time possible. He invites you to continue and not be “ashamed” to share the Gospel – “the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes…” (Rom. 1:16).
It has been God’s intention that He would use us together to share the Good News with the Turkana people of Kenya the past 21 years through prayer, giving, and/or personal visits and ministry among them. The door remains wide open and the reception of the Gospel unequaled in Turkanaland. Our Turkana staff, missionaries, and teachers on the ground remain highly intentional every day in their outreach, church planting, and disciple-making endeavors, with 356 churches now planted across Turkanaland!
Many of you may have read via email or Internet ( the recent testimony of a former Turkana witchdoctor who put his trust in the Lord for salvation during the STORM ministry this past July. I believe it’s God’s intention to continue giving us breath right now so that He can demonstrate His power to save those people that such witchdoctors continue to bewitch. They have real power for sure. But their power is inferior to the Holy Spirit! The time to conquer is now!
Like most mission organizations around this time of the year, this summer has been most challenging for Share financially. I request you to intentionally consider making a donation over and above your regular giving to Share so we can meet the September budget. As God gives you breath, kindly help us fulfill His purpose at the frontlines among the Turkana people through your prayers and generous donation.
Please make your donation online at or send to: Share International, Inc., P.O. Box 1011, Wolfforth, TX 79382.
Serving the King of kings with you,
Sammy Murimi
Share International, Inc.
“Sharing the Gospel and our very lives” (1 Thes. 2:8)