The SEED – March 2023
March 2023
“… My only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.”
– Acts 20:24

Between February 20 and 24, the SHARE Team traveled to the villages of Kakali and Katogun in Sopel Zone to share the Good News of Jesus and plant a church in Kakali Village. They held open air meetings, screened The Jesus Film and had ministry teaching time in the village. The team also screened The Jesus Film in Katogun Village. A total of 771 people attended the events, with 118 people accepting Christ and 17 baptized! Motivator Moses Lotukoi will oversee shepherding this new church. There were 16 new believers in the two villages that have now indicated their desire to be trained as Champions to help them make disciples of others. There are still 12 unreached villages in this zone that the SHARE Team plans to reach by the end of 2023.
The zone now has 33 active churches with 17 Motivators and 18 Evangelists overseeing the growth and discipleship of the believers. The DMM Training that occurred in August and September of last year has produced 58 Champions-in-training! There are now 66 active Lighthouses in this zone, with 32 active Champions and 335 disciples learning how to make disciples of others. Active Champions and disciples have decreased this month with people migrating due to persistent drought.
Motivators were able to distribute 18 Audio Bibles this month, but there are still 50 Champions and Champions-in-training, who do not have Audio Bibles. The believers in the zone are grateful for God’s sustenance, even in this time of adversity. The DMM Center that was built in Sopel Zone for training has now become too small for the SHARE Team to hold their meetings in! Church leadership is also growing in the zone!
My name is Philip Lokoel Nang’ole. I am from Kakali Village in Sopel Zone. I am so grateful to the SHARE Team for bringing us the Gospel message of Christ. They came to our village so that we might know Christ. Before they came, we had not heard of Christ and what He did for us. We used to act diabolically, including, banditry, robbery, and maltreatment of others, to name a few. Nonetheless, we thank God for bringing His servants to share the Good News of the Gospel with us so that we can turn from our sins. I have asked Christ to forgive my sins and accepted Christ as my Savior.

In the video below, Evangelist Charles Ng’olia from Sopel Zone shares how he came to Christ.

Majority of the Toposa Team returned to Toposaland in late January and early February. There is still some unrest
near the border between Kenya and South Sudan which at times makes travel difficult for the Team. Please continue
to pray for the Team’s safety in Toposaland.
The Team’s relationship with the indigenous people is growing; they hope to reach many more people with the Gospel this year. In February, the Team shared the Gospel in 25 different villages, with 24 people giving their lives to Christ. No one was baptized as there is hardly any water in the riverbeds. The Team is praying that Christians will become bold and share their faith with others in their respective villages.
The Team’s priority this year is to train the 50 Champions who are committed to sharing their faith with others. This will empower them to lead Lighthouses. The Team is also set to do DMM Trainings between March 27th and 30th. Currently, insecurity while travelling to the villages and cultural festivals are making regular training and follow-up in reached villages difficult. This month the Team has handed out 26 Audio Bibles and 10 DMM Bookmarks.
Continue to pray with the Team that the consumption of alcohol, use of illicit drugs and chewing tobacco will dimmish as people come to know Christ. The Team is grateful to SHARE and donors for the provision of tools necessary to accelerate the sharing of the message of the Gospel in Toposaland.

Lomilmil Next-Gen Center: – The pupils attending the Lomilmil Next-Gen Center are excited to begin their studies. Their desks and school supplies arrived in December 2022! The students meet each Monday – Friday for learning. They are able to recite the alphabet, read and write simple words, count from 1 – 50, and to add and subtract. This month they were taught the story of Jesus’ birth. Those that have accepted Christ are able to share their story with their friends. One child shared his story with seven friends and brought them to Sunday School that week! Like most children anywhere, some of the children’s favorite things to do are to sing, play games and eat lunch! The Audio and Hard-Copy Bibles are both used as an integral part of the curriculum. One of the prayer requests for this center is for provision of clean water.

NEXT-GEN Training: In mid-February, a 5-day training in the DMM Curriculm for 6 Sending Center teachers occurred at the Next-Gen Centre in Kangipusia Village, Kachoda Zone under the leadership of Mary Esinyen, Children’s Ministry Coordinator, and Peterson Lokabuk, Children’s Ministry Assistant Coordinator. The teachers were very eager to learn how to effectively teach the children. They were taught how to handle the children in the classroom, how to share the Word of God with others, to be role models, and the importance of teaching the children to hide God’s Word in their hearts by memorizing Scripture. Dividing the pupils into smaller age-appropriate and subject-level learning groups was shown to be very effective as it helps to keep the pupils engaged in their studies. The training was followed by implementing what had been learned as the training team observed and critiqued.
The SHARE Team has been praying about the struggle of feeding the children as they attending school.God has answered that prayer! An organization called “Mary’s Meals” provides meals to the Early Childhood Development Centers in Turkanaland and has now connected with the SHARE Team and contracted to provide food for the pupils at the Next-Gen Center in Kangipusia. Another answer to prayer is that a compassion ministry through Parklands Baptist Church in Nairobi has enrolled 80 students in the Next-Gen Center in Kangipusia and has committed to walk with these pupils through their spiritual growth and education journey. This involves supporting the families by making sure that they have adequate food and commiting to sponsoring these children through Secondary School education.

Nine more to go!

(The completed Sending Centers are marked in red.)

– Moderate rain is falling in Turkanaland! Thank you for your prayers!
– 3 completed Next-Gen Sending Centers now have their supplies and desks and 1 has a
qualified teacher!
– Successful DMM Training at all the completed Next-Gen Sending Centers
– Construction of the Sending Center in Namorkirionok Village is almost complete
– Mary’s Meals partnering with SHARE to provide food for the children at Kangipusia
Next-Gen Sending Centers
– A compassion ministry sponsoring 80 children in Kangipusia through education and food for their families
– Good health and protection for all the SHARE Staff and Motivators/Missionaries
– For the effectiveness of the DMM Curriculum used in teaching throughout Turkanaland and Toposaland
– For sparing former Motivator Rueben Lotaparin’s life after his vehicle caught on fire and completely destroyed

Financial Update
Thank you for your continued support for the SHARE ministry. Your partnership continues to bear great fruit for eternity. Thank you SO MUCH! We urge you to continue supporting this ministry. The remaining budget is 1Q is $97,000.
We also request you to consider sponsoring one or more of our Motivators that are in need of support at $2,400/year (or $200/month). Partnering with a friend or family member to support a Motivator is also an option. You can sign up to support one by contacting me. You may reach Sammy Murimi, SHARE Founder at
~ Sammy Murimi, Founder
Thank you SO MUCH for your prayers and support!