The SEED – June 2023

 In The SEED Newsletters of 2023


June 2023

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” – Acts 1:8

 A team of 8 Americans, including SHARE Founder, Sammy Murimi, is visiting Turkanaland June 23rd through July 1st to join hands with the SHARE Team in teaching/training approximately 300 Turkana church leaders on “Sustaining a Healthy Church in Turkanaland”. The team will teach/train our church leaders to eat healthy spiritual food, exercise/practice, and to replicate the same in their respective churches on a consistent basis in order to stay healthy and keep on winning the race. Through this they will learn how to grow and sustain A Healthy Body of Christ that will withstand the wiles and darts of the enemy for generations to come (1 Cor. 3:2; 9:24-27; 2 Tim. 2:5). We request prayers for the team as it undertakes this most significant task.

VIDEO: Reaching the Uttermost (Acts 1:8)

There are 17 Motivators and 3 evangelists overseeing 56 churches in Kalobeyei Zone. In May, they led 249 people to a saving faith and baptized 117! There are 66 Champions, each leading a Lighthouse where they are teaching a total of 602 disciples how to make disciples of others.

In May, the SHARE Team conducted an outreach in the previously unreached village of Nakuuk. They did homestead-to-homestead evangelism, open-air meetings, and age/gender-appropriate teachings. During the outreach, a total of 374 accepted Christ as Savior and 39 baptized! A new church was planted, and 62 members attended the very first service! Motivator Joseph Lolii will oversee this new church. Eight of the new believers are being trained by Joseph to become Champions. Each of them was given an Audio Bible.

There is still a need for more Audio Bibles in this Zone, as there are currently 20 Champions who do not have one. SHARE has identified 15 villages in this Zone that have yet to be reached with the Gospel. We are expecting to reach them all by 2026.


My name is Peter Akutan. I am from Nakuuk Village. I was once led by the flesh and indulged in evil activities. My sins were as red as crimson. I used to steal people’s sheep and commit adultery, rape, and assaults. Now I have accepted Christ to be my Guide and to lead me in every path I follow. May God uphold me with His righteous hand to the end of the age. May He protect my family and livestock. I pray that God save me and make me move forward at all times. I declare, never backward but forward forever with God. May He always be by my side. 

Homestead-to-homestead evangelism
Motivator Joseph Lolii teaching young men
The SHARE Team with the members of the new church in Nakuuk Village
There are 324 Sunday School (SS) teachers teaching over 14,000 children in the churches throughout Turkanaland. This is a significant increase in both teachers and children since the end of 2022! The children are learning Bible lessons, memorizing verses, and singing worship songs. More and more children are beginning to boldly share their testimonies with others. In fact, 270 children led others to a saving faith in May alone!
    A total of 152 SS teachers are involved in Lighthouses as well, with 111 being Champions of their own Lighthouse! There are 36 SS teachers attending Adult Literacy classes, where they are learning how to read and write. There is a need for more teaching tools, especially hard-copy Bibles and Audio Bibles, as many SS teachers do not have either.
    Earlier this month, Children’s Ministry & Next-Gen Coordinator, Mary Esinyen, and Assistant Coordinator, Peterson Lokabuk, held a 4-day training for SS teachers in Kalobeyei Zone. A total of 18 teachers attended the training where they learned methods for teaching children how to make disciples of others. The teachers are grateful for the training and eager to begin utilizing what they have learned.
Children’s Ministry Coordinator, Mary Esinyen, teaching children in Nakuuk Village

Children’s Ministry – Play time!

Some attendees of the Sunday School Teachers Training holding their new Bibles and DMM Manuals

In May, the Toposa Missionary Team reached 22 new villages! They also revisited 30 villages they have been ministering in. The Jesus Film was screened in 2 villages, and 10 people gave their lives to Christ as a result. A total of 96 Toposa people were saved and 5 baptized this month. Lighthouses have officially been formed, with 48 Champions each leading a Lighthouse and at least 10 disciples per. That’s at least 480 disciples learning how to make disciples of others! Another 75 Audio Bibles, 5 hard-copy Bibles, and 32 DMM bookmarks were distributed. A few of the missionaries have even begun Children’s Ministry in the villages they minister in.

A trained Champion leading his Lighthouse under Missionary Joseph Lotubae
Missionary Alfred Morulem ministering to children
Teaching children and youth has begun at the Namorkirionok Sending Center, with about 165 attending! Desks and supplies have been delivered to this Center as well. Children can already recite the alphabet, identify and write letters, count up to 50, and do simple math. They enjoy singing worship songs and playing games. They are still learning how to share their faith with others.
    In addition to teaching children at the Center 5 days a week, church service is held here on Sundays under Evangelist Onesmus Erot. The elders, parents, and children of Namorkirionok are very grateful for the new building in their village.
    The 6th Sending Center – Nachumae – is now complete! We are still looking for a teacher for this Center before classes can begin. Pray with us that we will find a qualified teacher soon. The 7th Sending Center will be in Nakuuk Village, Kalobeyei Zone. That construction project will begin in the near future.
Teacher Jeremiah Arigan with his students at the Namorkirionok Sending Center
The Nachumae Sending Center

The completed Sending Centers are marked in red.


– New church planted in Nakuuk Village, Kalobeyei Zone
– Increase in number of Sunday School teachers and children
– Lighthouses have formed in Toposaland!
– Completion of the 6th NG Sending Center
– Evident effectiveness of the DMM Curriculum used in teaching throughout Turkanaland and Toposaland
– Ongoing rains in Turkanaland and Toposaland! Thank you for your prayers! (Zech 10:1)
– Good health and protection for all the SHARE Staff and Motivators/Missionaries


– For the Teaching-Vision Team as they teach/train Turkana church leaders
– Spiritual growth for new believers at the new church in Nakuuk Village, Kalobeyei Zone
– Motivators/Missionaries and Evangelists shepherding the many churches in Turkanaland and Toposaland
– More and more Turkana children to attend Sunday School and boldly share their faith with others
– Safety for the Toposaland Missionaries as there still are skirmishes at the Kenya/South Sudan border
– Continued growth of Next-Gen children, construction of the 8 remaining Centers, and finding qualified teachers for each of the Centers
– Availability of clean water at all the DMM Centers and Next-Gen Sending Centers
– Peace between the Turkana and the Pokot tribes along the Kalemng’orok and Lokori Zones’ borders
– Upcoming outreach in Ethiopia on July 10-17th

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support for the SHARE ministry. We hope these monthly “SEED” bulletins have provided you with information you need to stay informed with what the Lord is doing through his servants in Turkanaland, Toposaland, and now Nyang’atomland. It’s all His doing, and it’s “marvelous in our eyes” (Ps. 118:23). Our financial need for 3Q is $215,000. Your contribution of any amount is greatly appreciated – always!


Thank you SO MUCH for your prayers and support!



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