Storing Up Treasures
Dear SHARE Friend and Supporter,
Every born-again Christian looks forward with great anticipation to seeing and enjoying eternity in heaven with the Father’s most precious “Treasure” of all – His Son Jesus Christ, our Redeemer! Besides, Christians also look forward to seeing and enjoying eternity with fellow precious “treasures” – brothers and sisters – especially those with whom they made a deliberate choice to “store” up in heaven when they reached out and shared the Good News while here on earth.
People for whom He ransomed with His own blood at the Cross are Christ’s most valued treasure, both while here on earth and into eternity. It therefore behooves every Christian to value more than anything else that which Christ values – humanity worldwide! It’s people like you and I, created in the Father’s own image, that I will have the joy and privilege to spend eternity with. And because I believe in that Biblical fact (Ephesians 2:5-7), I choose to spend and be spent storing up as many treasures in heaven as possible while I live here on this earth. This is the only time I have to store up!
Now, here is the exciting part…. What is stored in heaven will never encounter or experience moths and vermin; no thieves will break and steal (Matthew 6:19-20) – forever! So, would we not rather choose to commit our hearts and resources towards that which is eternally imperishable (1 Corinthians 15:42) than spend and be spent on that which is fleeting (Matthew 6:-21)?
You ask, “How do I do that?” The Apostle Paul has given us in Romans 10:14-15 the prescription for finding and storing up treasures in heaven:
- Use the “beautiful feet” that God has given you to go and “bring the Good News” to those that have never heard;
- Use the mouth and resources that God has given you to share/preach the Good News or to send others to do so.
Remember, someone did exactly that to reach you with the Good News of salvation. You called upon the Lord for salvation when you believed; and you believed because someone found his way to you to tell you about the Savior. Will you not do the same?
How much treasure are you storing up in heaven right now? Are you obeying Christ’s Final Mandate in Matthew 28:19-20 to us who believe? If you are not able to go, I urge you to send someone to do so. We at SHARE want to give you the opportunity to do so through your support of trained indigenous missionaries in Turkanaland, Kenya, and Toposaland, South Sudan. A donation of $2,400 a year will support such a missionary. Or a donation of any amount will help support the SHARE ministry.
Where/how are you storing up your treasure now?
Serving the King of kings with you,
Sammy Murimi, SHARE Founder