1Q 2023 – Note from Sammy

 In Sammy's Corner
Dear SHARE Prayer Warrior and Supporter,

Hardly any Christian has ever suffered the perils, hardships, and trials that the Apostle Paul had to endure to spread the Gospel and plant churches in non-Jewish communities in Asia Minor, Greece, Macedonia, Cyprus, Judea, and Syria. He was stoned and left for dead, nearly drowned in the sea, and suffered hunger and thirst. He endured all that with joy for the primary purpose of taking the message of salvation to people-groups that had never heard the Gospel, so that they too may obtain salvation. As a result, the Church of Jesus Christ grew remarkably as narrated in the Book of Acts.

In a much smaller scale, but not miniscule by any means, our Turkana brothers and sisters have continued to spread the Gospel among the unreached villages within their own Turkana County (Kenya), among the Toposa of South Sudan, and now among the Nyang’atom people of Ethiopia. The unspoken hardships that have resulted in the attached outreach “Update” bulletin cannot be underestimated. Our Turkana, Toposa, and Nyang’atom brothers and sisters have traversed tough terrain, suffered hunger, thirst, insecurity, and other multiple hardships to reach and witness 1,516, people obtain salvation, 643 new believers baptized, and 6 churches planted in a span of 3 months! The Lord has allowed each one of us the privilege of praying and giving to make all that happen. We at SHARE cannot thank you enough.

At the same time, we at SHARE challenge you to intentionally play your part as members of the same Body of Christ as our Turkana brothers and sisters and take the message of salvation among the “unreached” right where the Lord has placed you, to be the “salt” and “light” so that others may obtain the same salvation as the number that did so in the “uttermost parts” of the world just the past 3 months! That’s my call to the “Holy Priesthood”, to the “Living Stones” firmly grounded in “The Cornerstone”! Enjoy reading the 1Q 2023 Update Bulletin! (Click here to view the 1Q 2023 Update.)

Serving the King of kings with you,

Sammy Murimi


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