The Missionary Team
Those Whom God Has Called to Reach the Toposa People with the Gospel
Alfred Morulem
SHARE Motivator
- Served in pastoral and mission work for 28 years
- Planted 4 churches
- Established 11 Lighthouses and trained 11 Champions
Amos Erot Ekaale
SHARE Motivator
- Served in pastoral and mission work for 16 years
- Planted 2 churches
- Established 2 Lighthouses and trained 2 Champions
Anjelina Napem
Toposa Tribe Evangelist
3-year experience including:
- Evangelism and discipleship
- Church treasurer
- Leader of church choir
Peter Lomong Lochebe
Toposa Tribe Evangelist
2-year experience including:
- Sunday School Teacher
- Associate Pastor
- Evangelist
Phanuel Loole
SHARE Motivator
- Served in pastoral and mission work for 22 years
- Planted 1 church
- Established 4 Lighthouses and trained 4 Champions
Philip Ikaale Lokwamong
Toposa Tribe Evangelist
3-year experience including:
- Sunday School Teacher
- Bible Study Group Leader
- Evangelist
Joseph Lopir Lotubae
Toposa Tribe Evangelist
10-year experience as:
- Associate pastor
- Evangelist
- Music minister
Miramoe Nickleby
SHARE Motivator
- Served in pastoral and mission work for 14 years
- Planted 2 churches
- Established 8 Lighthouses and trained 8 Champions
Peter Ekuwom
SHARE Motivator
- Served in pastoral and mission work for 34 years
- Planted 1 church
- Established 2 Lighthouses and trained 2 Champions
Ekidor Ewoton
SHARE Motivator
- Served in pastoral and mission work for 23 years
- Planted 3 churches
- Established 2 Lighthouses and trained 2 Champions
James Lomudang
SHARE Motivator
- Served in pastoral and mission work for 5 years
- Planted 2 churches
- Established 2 Lighthouses and trained 2 Champions
John Eipa Lobuin
SHARE Motivator
- Served in pastoral and mission work for 8 years
- Planted 3 churches
- Established 3 Lighthouses and trained 3 Champions
Simon Lotabo Naaki
Toposa Tribe Evangelist
10-year experience including:
- Evangelism
- Discipleship
- Translator
Stephen Lobolia Echom
Turkana Tribe Evangelist
- Served in pastoral and mission work for 17 years
- Planted 11 churches
- Speaks Toposa language fluently
William Boniface
SHARE Motivator
- Served in pastoral and mission work for 14 years
- Planted 3 churches
- Established 3 Lighthouses and trained 3 Champions