3Q 2022 – Note from Sammy

 In Sammy's Corner
Dear SHARE Prayer Warrior and Supporter,

All through Year 2022, by way of SHARE’s monthly “SEED” and quarterly “Update” bulletins, we have invited you to “Come and see what God has done, his awesome deeds for mankind” (Ps. 66:5) in Turkanaland and Toposaland. Together, we have witnessed His grace and love reach out and draw many to salvation in Christ by way of preaching and teaching the Gospel, and by making disciples that make disciples of others (Matt. 28:16-20). We all stand in awe at the “greater works” He has accomplished through His faithful servants. Between January and September 2022, 3,820 people received Christ as Savior, 1,514 were baptized, and 3,099 believers were making disciples who make disciples of others! We THANK YOU for standing with us in prayer and financial support to make that happen. We appreciate partnership with you in this endeavor very much!

I believe by now you have received the letter I mailed to you a few weeks ago. As we enter the final quarter of 2022, I request you, if you haven’t done so already, to consider providing a generous donation in the return envelope included in the letter to help us meet the remaining balance of $400K for this year’s budget. As always, your donation is greatly appreciated.

Serving the King of kings with you,

Sammy Murimi


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