Where is my conscious love for the Lord in my “works” for Him?
Where is my conscious love for the Lord in my “works” for Him?
I look back to the past nine months of 2023 with much gratitude to the Lord for the grace and the love He has extended and expressed to us all in so many ways. At the same time, I am realizing more and more how easy it is to be so engaged with serving (works of faith) mankind in His Name and “forget” that, first and foremost, it’s all about HIM. Do I consciously love HIM with all my heart and with all my soul and with all my mind first (Matt. 22:37), or have I abandoned my “first love” (Rev. 2:4) for Him for my “legitimate” love for and service to mankind (Matt. 22:39)? I realize more than ever before that my “works of faith” must proceed from my sincere, consistent, and conscious love for the Lord, otherwise my works of faith become nothing less than spiritual self-aggrandizement. Where is my conscious love for the Lord in my “works” through the SHARE ministry? How about in your own calling and service? Let’s be aware!
Our primary purpose at SHARE is to nurture and grow in our love for the Lord, translate that love so as to allow Him to use us to draw many not-yet-saved people to Himself for salvation, then teach and demonstrate what it means to consciously love and serve Him. To facilitate fulfilling that purpose among the Turkana people of Kenya, the Toposa of South Sudan, and the Nyang’atom of Ethiopia, SHARE has established a few proven conduits, for which we humbly call upon your continued prayers and financial support. Thank you for demonstrating your conscious love for the Lord and people through your prayers and support. I welcome you to browse the SHARE website to learn more about the outcome of your participation with us.
The Lord has already provided more than 50% of this year’s budget. As we now enter the last three months of the year, I invite you to prayerfully consider supporting the following ministry conduits that the Lord continues to use to introduce and facilitate growth of conscious love of/for Jesus in the hearts of multitudes all across Turkanaland, Toposaland, and Nyang’atomland.
Serving Christ with you,
Sammy Murimi, SHARE Founder
October 2023