Toposa Outreach Update – December 2021

In December, the Toposa Missionary Team was able to visit six villages – two in Kapoeta North and four in Kapoeta South. They travelled through the villages praying for people, sharing their testimonies, and screening The Jesus Film. The Toposa people are very open to hearing the Gospel message. As a result, 33 people were saved. The team baptized 95 believers, including 62 who had confessed Christ as Savior prior!
The team is now working with the new believers; training them to use the DMM methodology to make disciples of others. They have handed out 16 Audio Bibles and several signage bookmarks to the new believers. They encouraged the new believers to be brave and share their new-found faith with others in their respective villages using the DMM tools. The team will be returning in January to further train and encourage these new believers. They have started cell-groups where they are training leaders who will in turn will train others.

Missionary Lobolia was bold enough to confront me in front of my classmates and share his testimony of how he came to know Christ. I gave my life to Christ that day when he shared the message from 1 Timothy 2:3-6, which says, “This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all people.” He later challenged me to share Christ with the rest of my classmates and at home with my family members. I am working at sharing the Gospel message with others.
I am so thankful for Missionary Lobolia and SHARE International for bringing God’s light to our people, and especially to me, Anjelo Lopeyok!