Toposa Outreach Update – August 2021
GAP Analysis: The team has been traveling in a 30-mile perimeter around Kapoeta Town, sometimes on foot and sometimes on motorbike. They have identified an additional 19 unreached villages. The total identified unreached villages is now at 33. The team plans to group the villages into 3’s and minister to 3 villages during each trip. Currently they are doing homestead-to-homestead evangelism and developing relationships with the villagers that will hopefully lead to sustainable evangelism, discipleship, and eventually, church plants!
The team has had a very positive experience during their contact with the Toposa people so far. Within the first two weeks in Toposa, they had already reached more villages than planned! During homestead-to-homestead evangelism, 28 people accepted Christ and pledged to share the Gospel with others in their neighborhood. This has greatly encouraged the team! They are planning to revisit these new converts after the initial survey is complete. The 15 motorbikes that were purchased for the team arrived in Lodwar last week. The bikes have now been dedicated, commissioned, and handed over to the Toposa Team!

The Team walking through a creek to reach a village

The Team entering one of the villages to begin homestead-to-homestead evangelism

The Team meeting and praying with the Chief of a village

Praying for a family who gave their lives to Christ

The Team with their new motorbikes
- The Toposa people have been friendly and sharing
- A generous donor provided funds for 15 motorbikes to aid the Team in their travels!
- Roads are very treacherous, especially in the rainy season
- Some people who are of the Catholic faith have stirred up hatred to those who are not of the same faith
- The process of acquiring land for a central Sending Center to be purchased without much opposition
- That the strategy of grouping the villages into groups of 3 in North, South, and East Kapoeta will be effective in reaching the lost
- Availability of clean water