Witchdoctor Salvation

 In Sammy's Corner

STORM 2018 – Sammy Murimi


Nangolol Napotkan was a witchdoctor until Wednesday, July 25 th, 2018 when he put his
faith in Christ as Savior and Lord during the STORM-2018 ministry outreach at Kangatotha
(Kangatosa) village. He was baptized the following day in River Turkwel.

Nangolol, who was a famous witchdoctor in Kangatotha and the surrounding region, has
completely changed from his past to new life in Christ. He is growing in his faith under the
ministry of Missionary Josphat Lomuria Lapur, one of the Share-supported missionaries. He
attends church every Sunday with his family.

Nangolol is grateful to God for saving his life from witchcraft practices. He is requesting Share
brothers to visit his family and pray with them frequently.

From the day he surrendered his life to the Lord, other witchdoctors in the region have been very
unhappy with him. They hate and abuse him; they beseech him to abandon his new-found faith
and return to “the business”. But Nangolol stands firm in the decision he made. He has vowed to
never turn back! Please keep him and his family in your prayers.

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