Toposa Outreach Update – March 2023

 In Toposa Outreach Updates

March 2023

In March, the 15 Missionaries returned to the villages that they have been reaching with the Gospel. Right now, the Team is focused on 36 specific villages, with each missionary responsible for 2-4 villages. They are living in the homesteads with the people, fulfilling the mission of SHARE  ‘…we were delighted to share with you not only the Gospel of God but our lives as well’ (1 Thess. 2:8). Their relationship with the Toposa people is growing. The Team’s goal this year is to become more intentional in training Champions who in turn will share their faith stories with their communities and disciple new believers. A total of 45 people accepted Christ as Savior this month, but no baptisms were done as the riverbeds are still very dry. 

  Between March 27th and 30th, the SHARE Toposa Outreach Initiative (TOI) Coordinator, Jackson Erus, travelled from Lodwar to Kapoeta Town (an all-day trip by road) to facilitate DMM Training for Champions. There were 54 proposed Champions and 13 Missionaries present at the training. The teaching focused on the 3/3 format: Personal Testimony (“walk”), God’s Story (“circles”), and Bible Discovery (“stones”). They discussed formation of Lighthouses and trained Champions on the usage of DMM tools that have been distributed to every cluster, emphasizing good stewardship of the tools provided to them, and most importantly, staying focused on the mission, vis-a-vis, reaching the lost and implementing the DMM Methodology. The team’s goal for this year is to accelerate the sharing of Gospel and establishing Lighthouses in villages reached by our TOI team that will eventually birth church plants in the entire land. Once churches are established, the Team can move on to share the Gospel message with new villages.

House-to-house prayer session at Lopetakiri Village under the leadership of Missionary Phanuel Loole (center)

Champion sharing the Word of God using the DMM Bookmark

TOI Coordinator, Jackson Erus, coaching a group of proposed Champions how to use the DMM Tools to disciple others

Proposed Champions practicing what they have been taught


