Toposa Outreach Update – April 2023
April 2023
In April, the Toposa Outreach Initiative (TOI) Team visited 15 new villages, in addition to the 35 villages that they have been ministering in over the past year. The team has remained focused on training the 50 Champions who will continue to share the Gospel in the reached villages. That has been going well.
This past month, 63 Toposa men and women gave their lives to Christ and 31 were baptized! Weekly visitations and follow-ups with new believers continue to happen. A total of 90 Audio Bibles, 4 hard copy Bibles, and 20 DMM signage bookmarks were distributed this month. The team is in the process of identifying leaders that can be responsible for forming a prayer network as the team itself focuses on reaching new villages. The Team is looking forward to the commissioning of trained Champions Elia Lomot and Albino Lomilo to join the TOI Team. They will replace Stephen Lobolia who returned to Kenya last year.
The Team would covet your prayers for the new believers, that they would become bold in their faith, spend time listening to the Audio Bibles, and attend screenings of The Jesus Film in nearby villages. Pray also for strengthening of relationships with like minded churches and organizations in the outreach region that will help take care of the birthed
Lighthouses/Churches. As outreach expands and more villages are reached, the need for more Audio Bibles, DMM Bookmarks and projectors for screening The Jesus Film becomes critical.
The Toposa people are grateful for the rains that have finally come! Planting of crops has now begun.
Baptisms in Lopetakire Village
Group photo of those baptized in Lopetakire Village where Missionary Phanuel Loole ministers
Missionary William Mariao Boniface praying for a sick individual in a village