SHARE Missionary Since: 2016
Zone: Sopel
Villages: Nabuin (pop. 702), Kapolkine (pop. 400),
Namagivat (pop. 250), & Naotin (pop. 300)
# of Churches: 4
Total Members: 357
Lighthouses: 7
Champions: 7
Disciples: 29

Note to Sponsor:
Dear Sponsor, Thank you for your support.
Updates from the field:
In December, Motivator Joseph reported that the people in Nabuin Village are pastoralists and business people. There are 169 members that attend church regularly and the 2 Champions are each leading a Lighthouse and the 16 disciples have led 2 people to Christ in 2023. The daughter churches are between 3 and 17 miles from the mother church and Joseph walks to each church every week. There are 188 believers in the 3 daughter churches combined. The 5 Champions are each leading a Lighthouse and the 13 disciples have led 11 people to Christ in 2023. Joseph has identified one more unreached village in his area. It is about 31 miles from the mother church. He plans to walk to that village in 2024 to hold evangelistic services.
In November, Motivator Joseph held services in 4 churches. About 86 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 163 attended in all 3 of the daughter churches combined. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He asks you to join him in praying for his family, for the church and an end to the drought.
In October, Motivator Joseph held services in 3 churches. About 142 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 118 attended in 2 of the daughter churches combined. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and for the salvation that Christ gives. He asks you to join him in praying that God would meet their every need.
In September, Motivator Joseph held services in 3 churches. About 121 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 113 attended in 2 of the daughter churches combined. Two new members joined the mother church this month when 2 disciples shared their faith stories with others. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He asks you to join him in praying for the vulnerable in their community and for clean water nearby.
In August, Motivator Joseph held services in 3 churches. About 130 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 103 attended in 2 of the daughter churches combined. Two new members joined the mother church this month when 2 disciples shared their faith stories with others. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He asks you to join him in praying that they might be able to build a permanent structure soon and strength to deal with the daily challenges of life.
In July, Motivator Joseph held services in 3 churches. About 144 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 125 attended in 2 of the daughter churches combined. Two new members joined the mother church this month and 3 disciples shared their faith stories with others. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He asks you to join him in praying for the ministy in Turkana and for God to provide what they need day by day.
In June, Motivator Joseph held services in 3 churches. About 91 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 90 attended in 2 of the daughter churches combined. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He prays for the missionaries in Turkana.
In May, Motivator Joseph held services in 3 churches. About 91 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 90 attended in the 2 daughter churches combined. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him for those suffering from the drought and for more souls to come to Christ.
In April, Motivator Joseph held services in all 4 churches. About 111 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 154 attended in the 3 daughter churches combined. Two new members joined the mother church and 4 joined the daughter churches. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him for those suffering from the drought and malaria.
In March, Motivator Joseph held services in all 4 churches. About 145 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 154 attended in the 3 daughter churches combined. Three new members joined the mother church and 1 joined the daughter church this month. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He prays for the many that are suffering because of the drought.
In February, Motivator Joseph held services in all 4 churches. About 141 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 182 attended in the 3 daughter churches combined. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He prays for the many that are starving.
In December, Motivator Joseph reported that there are 172 members in the mother church in Nabuin Village. In the daughter churches, there are 50 in Kapolkine Village, 47 in Namagivat Village, and 55 in Naotin Village. Joseph plans to reach 1 more village in 2023 – Moruese!
In November, Motivator Joseph held services in all 4 churches. About 104 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 117 attended in the 3 daughter churches combined. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He prays for the many that are starving.
In October, Motivator Joseph held services in all 4 churches. About 131 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 141 attended in the 3 daughter churches combined. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He prays for the many that are suffering due to the drought.
In September, Motivator Joseph held services in all 4 churches. About 86 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 240 attended in the 3 daughter churches combined. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him for many more souls to come to Jesus and for the many that are suffering due to the drought.
In August, Motivator Joseph held services in all 4 churches. About 110 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 232 attended in the 3 daughter churches combined. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He thanks God for strengthening the faith of himself and the church members. He asks you to pray with him for the many that are suffering because of the drought.
In July, Motivator Joseph held services in all 4 churches. About 151 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 240 attended in the 3 daughter churches combined. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He thanks God for strengthening the faith of himself and the church members.
In June, Motivator Joseph held services in all 4 churches. About 106 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 133 attended in the 3 daughter churches combined. 3 disciples led others to a saving faith. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor.
In May, Motivator Joseph held services in all 4 churches. Attendance remained about the same. 9 disciples led others to a saving faith. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He prays for relief from drought and famine.
In April, Motivator Joseph held services in all 4 churches. About 147 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 102 attended in the 3 daughter churches combined. There are 12 disciples learning how to make disciples of others. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He requests more DMM tools.
In March, Motivator Joseph ministered to his church families. About 160 believers met each week this month in the mother church and 174 in the 3 daughter churches combined. He also did an outreach in Loporku Village, but at this time no one made a decision to follow Christ. He is grateful for the support that he receives and asks that you pray with him for more Champions to be raised up who can teach others, also for more DMM materials and for those affected by the drought and famine.
In February, Motivator Joseph ministered to his church families. About 115 believers met each week this month in the mother church and 140 in the 3 daughter churches combined. He also did an outreach in Yerusalem Village, but at this time no one made a decision to follow Christ. He is grateful for the support that he receives and asks that you pray with him for more Champions to be raised up who can teach others, also for more DMM materials and for those affected by the drought and famine.
In January, Motivator Joseph reported that there are 147 members in the mother church in Nabuin Village, 40 in the daughter church in Kapolkine Village, 36 in the daughter church in Namagivat Village, and 20 in the daughter church in Naotin Village. In addition to regular services, Joseph does sacraments, homestead-to-homestead evangelism, and teaches the DMM methodology.
In December, Motivator Joseph ministered to all of his church families. About 143 members attended each Sunday in the mother church in Nabuin Village, and 146 attended in the three daughter churches combined. Joseph is planning to do an outreach in Elelea Village, about 28 kms/17 miles away in the future. He is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and is concerned about the needy in his village.
In November, Motivator Joseph ministered to all of his church families. About 87 members attended each Sunday in the mother church in Nabuin Village, and 120 attended in the three daughter churches combined. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and is concerned about the needy in his village.
In October, Motivator Joseph ministered to all of his church families. About 134 members attended each Sunday in the mother church in Nabuin Village, and 171 attended in the daughter churches combined. Joseph is planning to do an outreach in Elelea Village, about 28 kms/17 miles away in the future. He is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and is praising God for the DMM teaching because it has changed peoples lives.
In September, Motivator Joseph ministered to 4 of his church families. About 110 members attended each Sunday in the mother church in Nabuin Village, and 148 attended in 3 of the daughter churches combined. Joseph is planning to do an outreach in Elelea Village, about 28 kms/17 miles away in the future. He is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and is praising God for the DMM teaching because it has changed peoples lives.
In August, Motivator Joseph ministered to 4 of his church families. About 115 members attended each Sunday in the mother church in Nabuin Village, and 126 attended in 3 of the daughter churches combined. Joseph is planning to do an outreach in Elelea Village, about 28 kms/17 miles away in the future. He is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and is praising God for the DMM teaching because it has changed peoples lives.
In July, Motivator Joseph ministered to 4 of his church families. About 61 members attended each Sunday in the mother church in Nabuin Village, and 156 attended in 3 of the daughter churches combined. Joseph is planning to do an outreach in Elelea Village, about 28 kms/17 miles away in the future. He is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and is praising God for the DMM teaching because it has changed peoples lives.
In June, Motivator Joseph ministered to all 6 of his church families. About 121 members attended each Sunday in the mother church in Nabuin Village, and 194 attended in all 6 of the daughter churches combined. Joseph is planning to do an outreach in Elelea Village, about 28 kms/17 miles away in the future. He is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor.
In May, Motivator Joseph ministered to 4 of his church families. About 140 members attended each Sunday in the mother church in Nabuin Village, and 81 attended in 3 of the daughter churches combined. He now has 2 Champions leading 2 Lighthouses with 12 disciples attending. Joseph is planning to do an outreach in Elelea Village, about 28 kms/17 miles away in the future. He is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him for rain during this season of drought.
In April, Motivator Joseph ministered to 5 of his church families. About 139 members attended each Sunday in the mother church in Nabuin Village, and 149 attended in the 4 daughter churches combined. Joseph is planning to do an outreach in Elelea Village, about 28 kms/17 miles away in the future. He is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him for rain during this season of drought.