Zone: Nayada
Villages: Kalokutanyang,
Kanyapus, Kirotangaber, & Nalingagor
# of Churches: 4
Total Members: 335
Lighthouses: 6
Champions: 6

Note to Sponsor:
Dear Sponsor, Thank you for your great support. God bless you.
Updates from the field:
In November, Monitor James, ministered in both churches. In Kalokitanyang Village where 64 believers met weekly for services and in the daughter church in Kanyangapus Village where 65 believers met for services. Six disciples in the Lighthouses also led 2 people to Christ and they were added to the mother church as new members and 2 more were added to the daughter church. James is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him for the church leadership, for the ministry, and for those that need to recover from the flooding.
In October, Monitor James, ministered in the mother church in Kalokitanyang Village where 56 beleivers met weekly for services. He did an outreach in Nayanae Angikalalio Village and 10 people accepted Christ. Four disciples in the Lighthouses also led 3 people to Christ and they were added to the mother church as new members. James is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor and that they were able to purchase instruments for the church.
In September, Monitor James, ministered to 2 of his church families: in Kalokitanyang Village where 55 beleivers met weekly for services; and in the daughter church in Kanyanapus – 57 believers met. He did an outreach in Kalokutonyang Village and 8 people accepted Christ. Eight disciples in the Lighthouses also led 4 people to Christ and they were added to the mother church as new members. James is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor.
In August, Monitor James, ministered to his church families: in Kalokitanyang Village where 63 beleivers met weekly for services; in the daughter church in Kanyanapus – 55 believers met; and in Quarry – 60 believers met. Four disciples in the Lighthouses also led 2 people to Christ and they were added to the mother church as new members. James is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor.
In July, Monitor James, ministered to his church families: in Kalokitanyang Village where 70 beleivers met weekly for services; in the daughter church in Kanyanapus – 114 believers met; in Nalingamore – 120 believers met; in Nachampa – 156 believers met. He also did an outreach in Nachampa Village and 17 people accepted Christ. The disciples in the Lighthouses also led 4 people to Christ! Six new members were added to the mother church. James is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor.
In June, Monitor James, ministered to his church families: in Kalokitanyang Village where 64 beleivers met weekly for services; in the daughter church in Kanyanapus – 65 believers met. The disciples in the Lighthouses also led 6 people to Christ! James is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him for the many who are were affected by the flooding the rains caused.
In May, Monitor James, ministered to his church families: in Kalokitanyang Village where 64 beleivers met weekly for services; in the daughter church in Kanyanapus – 65 believers met.He also did an outreach in Kanyangapus and 21 people accepted Christ. The disciples in the Lighthouses also led 6 people to Christ! James is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him for the many who are were affected by the flooding the rains caused.
In April, Monitor James, ministered to his church families: in Kalokitanyang Village where 61 beleivers met weekly for services; in the daughter churches: Kanyanapus – 654 believers met; Quarry – 40 believers met. Seven new members joined the mother church. The disciples in the Lighthouses also led 4 people to Christ! James was also able to distribute 6 Audio Bibles, 1 hard copy Bible, and 20 DMM Bookmarks. He is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor and for God providing much needed rain. He asks that you pray with him for those who are finding it hard to get food.
In March, Monitor James, ministered to his church families: in Kalokitanyang Village where 44 beleivers met weekly for services; in the daughter churches: Kanyanapus – 66 believers met; Quarry – 57 believers met; and Nachampa – 155 believers met. The disciples in the Lighthouses also led 7 people to Christ! James was also able to distribute 20 DMM Bookmarks. He is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor and for God providing much needed rain. He asks that you pray with him for the many who are migrating due to the drought and for the lack of water.
In February, Monitor James, ministered in his home church in Kalokitanyang Village where 49 beleivers met weekly for services. The disciples in the Lighthouses also led 5 people to Christ! James was also able to distribute 20 DMM Bookmarks and 6 hard copy Bibles. He is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor and for God’s faithfulness this past month. He asks that you pray with him for the many who are migrating due to the drought and for the lack of water.
In January, Monitor James, ministered in his home church in Kalokitanyang Village where 75 beleivers met weekly for services. He also ministered in the daughter churches where 77 believers met in Nalingangor Village, 54 met in Kirotingae Village, and 81 met in Kanyanga Village. He shared the Gospel in Nalingangor Village, and 8 people gave their lives to Christ. The disciples in the Lighthouses also led 5 people to Christ! James was also able to distribute 20 Audio Bibles, 9 hard copy Bibles, and 20 DMM bookmarks. He is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor and asks that you pray with him for the many suffering due to the drought.
In December, Motivator James reported that there are 190 members in the mother church in Kalokutanyang Village. In the daughter churches, there are 56 members in Kanyapus Village, 49 members in Kirotangaber Village, and 4o members in Nalingangor Village. There are 6 Champions that are each leading their own Lighthouse where they are teaching disciples how to make disciples of others.
In November, Motivator James ministered in 3 churches. About 78 members attended each Sunday in the mother church in Kolokutanyang Village, 70 attended in the daughter church in Kanyangapus Village, and 88 attended in the daughter church in Nalingangor Village. 5 people accepted Christ as Savior. James is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor.
In October, Motivator James ministered in 3 churches. About 67 members attended each Sunday in the mother church in Kolokutanyang Village, 48 attended in the daughter church in Kalopiria Village, and 42 attended in the daughter church in Nalingangor Village. James is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor.
In September, Motivator James held services in 3 of his churches. About 76 members attended each Sunday in the mother church in Kolokutanyang Village, 73 attended in the daughter church in Kalopiria Village, and 67 attended in the daughter church in Nalingangor Village. 2 more people accepted Christ as Savior when the Gospel message was shared again in Karotungaber Village. James is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and asks that you pray with him for strength as he walks from village to village and for the drought that is affecting everyone.
In August, Motivator James held services in 3 of his churches. About 74 members attended each Sunday in the mother church in Kolokutanyang Village, 69 attended in the daughter church in Kalopiria Village, and 56 attended in the daughter church in Nalingangor Village. 4 people accepted Christ as Savior when the Gospel message was shared in Kanyangapus Village. James is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and asks that you pray with him for the many affected by the drought.
In July, Motivator James held services in 3 of his churches. About 64 members attended each Sunday in the mother church in Kolokutanyang Village, 55 attended in the daughter church in Kalopiria Village, and 64 attended in the daughter church in Nalingangor Village. 8 people accepted Christ as Savior when the Gospel message was shared in Karotungaber Village. James is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and asks that you pray with him for strength as he walks from village to village.
In June, Motivator James held services in 3 of his churches. About 75 members attended each Sunday in the mother church in Kolokutanyang Village, 56 attended in the daughter church in Kanyangapus Village, and 81 attended in the daughter church in Nalingangor Village. 4 people accepted Christ as Savior. James is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor.
In May, Motivator James held services in 3 of his churches. About 81 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 161 attended in 2 of the daughter churches combined. James is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor.
In April, Motivator James held services in all 4 churches, and 4 people accepted Christ as Savior. About 111 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 195 attended in the 3 daughter churches combined. James is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor.
In March, James ministered to his church families. About 98 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 211 attended in the 3 daughter churches combined. He did an outreach in the daughter village of Kanyangapus and 5 people accepted Christ when the Gospel was shared. 6 new members were added to the mother church this month and also to the daughter churches. James is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and asks that you pray with him for rain for Turkana.
In February, James held services in 2 churches, and 5 people were saved. About 70 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 49 attended in the daughter church in Kanyangapus Village. James is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor.
James now oversees 4 churches. The mother church is located in Kalokutanyang Village with about 160 members. The daughter churches are located in Kanyapus Village, Kirotangaber Village, and Nalingangor Village. There are 2 Lighthouses where 20 disciples are learning how to make disciples of others. James also does homestead-to-homestead regularly in both Kalokutanyang Village and Kanyapus Village.
In December, Monitor James held services in 3 churches. About 74 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 172 attended in all 3 of the daughter churches combined. James is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor. He asks for prayers for the members that are migrating in search of water and food and also for much needed rain.
In November, Monitor James held services in 3 churches, and 3 people were saved. About 72 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 52 attended in 2 of the daughter churches combined. James is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor and is praising God for the souls that were saved. He asks that you pray with him for those that are migrating in search of food and water for their livestock.
In October, Monitor James held services in 3 churches, and did outreach in Korotngaber Village and 4 people were saved. About 74 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 153 attended in all 3 of the daughter churches combined. James is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor. He prays that God will give him strength as he walks from village to village and also that God would provide the funds to repair the church building after the roof was blown away. He also asks for prayers for the members that are migrating in search of water and food and also for much needed rain.
In September, Monitor James held services in 3 churches, and did outreach in 2 villages (Kanyangapus and Korotngaber) and 4 people were saved. About 66 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 55 attended in 2 of the daughter churches combined. James is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor. He prays that God will give him strength as he walks from village to village.
In August, Monitor James held services in 4 churches, and 8 people were saved. About 80 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 180 attended in 3 of the daughter churches combined. James is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor. He prays that God will provide for the construction of the church, since the roof was blown off by the wind.
In July, Monitor James held services in 4 churches. About 81 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 229 attended in 3 of the daughter churches combined. James is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor and asks that you pray with him for strength as he walks from village to village.
In June, Monitor James ministered in 3 of the churches. About 109 members attended each Sunday in the mother church and 99 in the daughter churches in Kalopiria and Kirot-ngaber Villages. He also did an outreach to Kalokutanyang Village and 8 people gave their lives to Christ! He is planning on going back to Kanyangapus Village (42 kms/26 miles away) in 2022. James is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor and asks that you pray with him for strength as he walks from village to village and for rains for this area.
In May, Monitor James ministered in the mother church. About 89 members attended each Sunday in the mother church. He also did an outreach to Kanyangapus Village and 6 people gave their lives to Christ and 13 were baptized! He now has 2 Champions leading 2 Lighthouses with 20 disciples enrolled who are learning how to share their faith with others. He is planning on going back to Kanyangapus Village (42 kms/26 miles away) in 2022.
In April, Monitor James ministered in the mother church. About 57 members attended each Sunday in the mother church. James is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor.