SIMI Class: 2017-2018
Wife: Anna Akuuta Ewose
Children: Elkana, Sarah,
Silvia, Emmanuel, Carolyne, Shadrack,
Eunice, Evans, & Nancy, Jascah
Zone: Katapakin
Village: Nakurio (pop. 1,700)
# of Churches: 1
Total Members: 102
Lighthouses: 4
Champions: 4
Disciples in Lighthouses: 16
Updates from the field:
In December, Monitor Ewose reported that the people of Nakurio Village make mats and sell things in kiosks or by peddling. There are 102 members in the church in Naurio Village and 4 Champions each leading a Lighthouse. The 16 disciples in the Lighthouses have led 7 people to Christ in 2023.
In October, Monitor Ewose ministered in the mother church in Nakurio Village where 76 members met weekly for services. Five new members joined the church this month. Ewose asks that you pray with him for his family and for the ministry, also for rain and clean water nearby.
In September, Monitor Ewose ministered in the mother church in Nakurio Village where 68 members met weekly for services. He distributed 5 Audio Bibles and 3 hard-copy Bibles. Ewose asks that you pray with him for God to expand his ministry and for relief from the drought and famine.
In August, Monitor Ewose ministered in the mother church in Nakurio Village where 60 members met weekly for services. 7 disciples shared their faith stories with others and led 3 people to Christ and they joined the church. Ewose is grateful for those that support the SHARE ministry and asks that you pray with him for rain and for water.
In July, Monitor Ewose ministered in the mother church in Nakurio Village where 69 members met weekly for services. 7 disciples shared their faith stories with others. Ewose is grateful for the support he receives and asks that you pray with him for rain and for water.
In June, Monitor Ewose ministered in the mother church in Nakurio Village where 62 members met weekly for services. Two new members were added to the church this month. Ewose asks also that you pray with him for rain for all of Turkana and for his family and the church.
In May, Monitor Ewose ministered in the mother church in Nakurio Village where 62 members met weekly for services. Ewose asks also that you pray with him for rain for all of Turkana and for his family and the church.
In April, Monitor Ewose ministered in the mother church in Nakurio Village where 60 members met weekly for services. Three new members were added to the mother church this month. Ewose is grateful to all those who support SHARE International and asks that you pray with him for clean water for their area.
In March, Monitor Ewose ministered in the mother church in Nakurio Village where 53 members met weekly for services. Two new members were added to the mother church this month. Seven disciples shared their faith stories with others. Ewose asks also that you pray with him for rain for all of Turkana and for his family.
In February, Monitor Ewose ministered in the mother church in Nakurio Village where 68 members met weekly for services. Three new members were added to the mother church this month. He was able to distribute 5 Audio Bibles and 3 Hard copy Bibles this month. Ewose would like to see God’s message spread throughout Turkana and asks God to give him strength to be His ambassador. He asks also that you pray with him for rain for all of Turkana.
In January, Monitor Ewose ministered in the mother church in Nakurio Village where 65 members met weekly for services. He has 3 Champions discipling 13 disciples, and this month they led 7 people to Christ! Ewose is grateful to Share International for making it possible for him to be a missionary and do God’s work. He asks that you pray with him for rain for all of Turkana.
In December, Monitor Ewose reported that there are 87 members in the mother church in Nakurio Village. There are 3 Champions each leading their own Lighthouse where they are teaching disciples how to make disciples of others.
In November, Monitor Ewose ministered in his church, and about 56 members attended service each Sunday. Three new members were added to the mother church. He did an outreach in Napili Village and 10 people accepted Christ when the Gospel message was shared. He prays for his family to remain strong and for the many people that are migrating due to the drought.
In October, Monitor Ewose ministered in his church, and about 57 members attended each Sunday. He prays for his children that are in school.
In September, Monitor Ewose ministered in his church, and about 63 members attended service each Sunday. He prays for the church to remain strong and for the many people that are migrating due to the drought.
In August, Monitor Ewose ministered in his church, and about 69 members attended service each Sunday. He prays for the ministry to continue to progress and for the many that are suffering due to the drought.
In July, Monitor Ewose ministered in his church, and about 80 members attended service each Sunday. He prays for the church to remain strong and for the many people that are migrating due to the drought.
In June, Monitor Ewose ministered in his church, and about 63 members attended service each Sunday. He prays for the ministry to continue to progress.
In May, Monitor Ewose ministered to his church family. About 60 members attended service each Sunday. 7 disciples have led others to faith in Christ.
In April, Monitor Ewose ministered to his church family. About 64 members attended service each Sunday. There are 13 disciples learning how to make disciples of others.
In March, Monitor Ewos ministered to his church family. Approximately 58 members attended each Sunday in the mother church in Nakurio Village. Enos is grateful for the support that he receives from SHARE International. He prays for the members in the church stay strong in their faith and for the believers that are migrating to the lake for water.
In February, Monitor Ewos ministered to his church family. Approximately 75 members attended each Sunday in the mother church in Nakurio Village. He also did an outreach in Napilii Village, at this time no one made a decision to follow Christ. Enos is grateful for the support that he receives from SHARE International. He prays for the members in the church stay strong in their faith and for the believers that are migrating to the lake for water.
In November, Monitor Ewos ministered to his church family. Approximately 59 members attended each Sunday in the mother church in Nakurio Village. Enos is grateful for the support that he receives from SHARE International. He prays for the members in the church stay strong in their faith and for the believers that are migrating to the lake for water.
In October, Monitor Ewose ministered to his church family where an average of 70 members met weekly for services. He is grateful for the support that he receives from SHARE International and asks that you pray with him that the people will continue to grow in their faith and also that they could find good drinking water.
In September, Monitor Ewos ministered to his church family. Approximately 66members attended each Sunday in the mother church in Nakurio Village. Enos is grateful for the support that he receives from SHARE International. He prays for the members in the church stay strong in their faith and for protection against the traditional beliefs that lead the members astray.
In August, Monitor Ewose ministered to his church family where an average of 43 members met weekly for services. Many of the congregation are migrating in search of food and water for their livestock, so this makes having a consistant congregation difficult. Traditional beliefs of the people in the villages is a struggle that Ewose faces every day when he shares the Gospel message. He is grateful for the support that he receives from SHARE International.
In July, Monitor Ewose ministered in the mother church. About 55 members attended church each Sunday this month. 2 new members were added to the congregation. Ewose is grateful to SHARE International for the support that he receives and asks that you pray with him for the families that are migrating in search of water for their livestock.
In June, Monitor Ewose ministered in the mother church. About 60 members attended church each Sunday this month. 1 new member was added to the congregation. Ewose is grateful to SHARE International for the support that he receives and asks that you pray with him for the families that are migrating in search of water for their livestock.
In April, Monitor Ewose ministered in the mother church. About 58 members attended church each Sunday this month. 2 new members were added to the congregation. Ewose is grateful to SHARE International for the support that he receives.