SHARE Missionary Since: 2021
Wife: Florence Lotira
Children: Yuda, Felix,
Edna, Ezra, Weldon, & Patience
Zone: Kalobeyei
Villages: Loreng (pop. 1,500), Nabrangito (pop. 1,300),
Achuma (pop. 280), Namokirionok (pop. 480), & Napetan (pop. 160)
# of Churches: 5
Total Members: 488
Lighthouses: 14
Champions: 14

In October 2021, Calistus became a SHARE Motivator. He oversees the churches planted by Wilson Rokoo Lopunguryei, who is now a part of our staff as the Coordinator of Kalobeyei Zone. Calistus gave his life to Christ in 2002 and joined MERF Bible School in 2008. In 2021 he joined church planting college and graduated by December 2021. He is grateful to serve as a SHARE Motivator.
Note to Sponsor:
Dear Sponsor, Be blessed for your kindness. Thank you.
Updates from the field:
In December, Motivator Calistus reported that the people of Loreng Village (pop. 1,500) make their living by making charcoal and selling it and with livestock. He ministers to about 193 believers in this village. There are 6 Champions leading 6 Lighthouses. In 2023 these disciples shared their faith stories with others and led 3 people to Christ. Calistus also ministers to 4 other churches weekly in villages that are 6.5 to 40 miles away and he travels by foot to reach them. In Nabragrito Village 60 believers meet weekly, Achuma Village – 50 believers meet, Namokirionok Village – 120 believers meet, and Napetan Village – 65 believers meet. He has also identified 3 more unreached villages in his area that he plans on reaching in 2024. They range from 3 – 40 miles away from the mother church.
In November, Motivator Calistus reported that there are 206 members in the mother church in Loreng Village. In the daughter churches, there are 114 members in Naburangito Village, 142 in Achuma Village, 132 in Nakilekpus Village, and 139 in Namokirionok Village. Five new members joined the mother church this month. When the Gospel message was shared in the new village of Ngikwagelan, 5 people accepted Christ. Disciples led 4 others to Christ this month. Calistus is grateful for the support from his sponsor and for the rain. He asks that you pray with him for a good source of clean water nearby.
In September, Motivator Calistus reported that there are 177 members in the mother church in Loreng Village. In the daughter churches, there are 109 members in Naburangito Village, 113 in Achuma Village, and 111 in Namokirionok Village. Eight new members joined the mother church this month. When the Gospel message was shared in the new village of Ngipotipoko, 2 people accepted Christ. He distributed 3 Audio Bibles this month. Calistus is grateful for the support from his sponsor and the progess of the church. He asks that you pray with him for water and for peace.
In August, Motivator Calistus reported that there are 174 members in the mother church in Loreng Village. In the daughter churches, there are 111 members in Naburangito Village, 105 in Achuma Village, 94 in Namokirionok Village, and 112 in Nakilekpus Village. Three new members joined the mother church this month. When the Gospel message was shared in the new village of Lokong Reu, 3 people accepted Christ. Calistus is grateful for the support from his sponsor and for those that are coming to Christ. He asks that you pray with him for water and for security.
In July, Motivator Calistus reported that there are 102 members in the mother church in Loreng Village. In the daughter churches, there are 111 members in Naburangito Village, 105 in Achuma Village, 94 in Namokirionok Village, and 112 in Nakilekpus Village. When the Gospel message was shared in the new village of Ngipotipoko, 2 people accepted Christ. Calistus is grateful for the support from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him for the church leadership and for rain.
In June, Motivator Calistus reported 169 members attended each Sunday in the mother church in Loreng Village, and 313 attended in the 4 daughter churches combined. He did an outreach in Lopotipoko Village and 4 people accepted Christ. Calistus is grateful for the support from his sponsor and asks that you pray with him that they would be able to have access to clean water.
In May, Motivator Calistus reported that there are 165 members in the mother church in Loreng Village. In the daughter churches, there are 63 members in Naburangito Village, 70 in Achuma Village, 93 in Namokirionok Village, and 102 in Nakilekpus Village. When the Gospel message was shared in Katiko Nyingok Village, 3 people accepted Christ. Calistus is grateful for the support from his sponsor and for the new believers. He asks for prayers for clean water and for safety.
In April, Motivator Calistus reported 154 members attended each Sunday in the mother church in Loreng Village, and 549 attended in the 4 daughter churches combined. There are now 56 disciples learning how to make disciples of others. Calistus is grateful for the support from his sponsor and for good health.
In March, Motivator Calistus reported that there are 164 members in the mother church in Loreng Village. In the daughteer churches, there are 92 members in Naburangito Village, 77 in Achuma Village, 78 in Namokirionok Village, and 80 in Nakilekpus Village. When the Gospel message was shared in Katikingikgok Village, 2 people accepted Christ. Calistus is grateful for the support from his sponsor and for the church that is growing.
In February, Motivator Calistus reported that there are 146 members in the mother church in Loreng Village. In the daughteer churches, there are 126 members in Naburangito Village, 125 in Achuma Village, 155 in Namokirionok Village, and 138 in Nakilekpus Village. When the Gospel message was shared in Ajoit Ekuyen Village, 3 people accepted Christ. Calistus is grateful for the support from his sponsor and to God for His kindness to them. He asks that you pray with him safety in his area and for water.
In January, Motivator Calistus reported that there are 142 members in the mother church in Loreng Village. In the daughteer churches, there are 126 members in Nabragito Village, 130 in Achuma Village, 121 in Namokirionok Village, and 65 in Nakilekpus Village. When the Gospel message was shared in Alidat Ekuyen Village, 5 people accepted Christ. He now has 7 Lighthouses each led by a Champion. Calistus is grateful for the support from his sponsor and asks that you pray with him safety in his area and for water.
In December, Motivator Calistus reported that there are 193 members in the mother church in Loreng Village. In the daughteer churches, there are 60 members in Nabragito Village, 50 in Achuma Village, 120 in Namokirionok Village, and 65 in Napetan Village. There are 14 Champions who are each leading their own Lighthouse where they are teaching disciples how to make disciples of others. Calistus plans to reach 3 more villages in 2023 – Elemu, Namadi, & Nakitogo!
In November, Motivator Calistus held services in three churches. About 160 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 171 attended in the two daughter churches combined. Seven people accepted Christ when the Gospel message was shared this month. Calistus is grateful for the support from his sponsor and for sustaining them this past month. He asks that you pray with him that they would be able to get a borehole drilled in the area.
In October, Motivator Calistus held services in three churches. About 162 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 158 attended in the two daughter churches combined. Calistus is grateful for the support from his sponsor. He prays for rainfall.
In September, Motivator Calistus held services in three churches. About 160 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 148 attended in the two daughter churches combined. Calistus is grateful for the support from his sponsor and for sustaining them this past month. He asks that you pray with him for the church to remain strong spiritually and for safety as he travels from one village to another.
In August, Motivator Calistus held services in three churches. About 105 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 181 attended in the two daughter churches combined. Calistus is grateful for the support from his sponsor and asks that you pray with him for the church to remain strong spiritually and for safety as he travels from one village to another.
In July, Motivator Calistus held services in both churches. About 111 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 116 attended in the daughter church in Nabrankitio Village. Calistus is grateful for the support from his sponsor and asks that you pray with him for the church to remain strong spiritually and for safety as he travels from one village to another.
In June, Motivator Calistus held services in both churches. About 102 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 131 attended in the 2 daughter churches combined. 3 people accepted Christ as Savior. Calistus is grateful for the support from his sponsor.
In May, Motivator Calistus ministered to his church families. About 91 members met weekly in the mother church and 157 in the two daughter churches combined. Two people accepted Christ when the Gospel message was shared this month. He is still planning the outreach to Namorukirionok Village later in 2022. Calistus is grateful for the support that he receives from his sponsor and asks that you pray with him for much needed rain and for safety.
In April, Motivator Calistus held services in all 3 churches. About 275 members attended each Sunday in the 3 churches combined. 4 people gave their lives to Christ. He is still planning the outreach to Namorukirionok Village later in 2022. Calistus is grateful for the support that he receives from his sponsor.
In March, Motivator Calistus ministered to his church families. About 150 members met weekly in the mother church and 130 in the two daughter churches combined. He did an outreach in the daughter village of Nachuma and two people accepted Christ. He is still planning the outreach to Namorukirionok Village later in 2022. Calistus is grateful for the support that he receives from his sponsor and asks that you pray with him for much needed rain.
In February, Motivator Calistus ministered to his church families. About 116 members met weekly in the mother church and 119 in the daughter church in Nabrankitio Village. He is still planning the outreach to Namorukirionok Village to happen sometime in 2022. Calistus is grateful for the support that he receives from his sponsor and asks that you pray with him for the believers in his churches to learn to rely on God when they are faced with challenges.
In January, Motivator Calistus ministered to his church families. Approximately 172 members attend services weekly in the mother church in Loreng Village and 60 in the daughter church in Nabrankitio Village. Calistus walks weekly to each village to minister to the families there. The daughter church is about 10 kms/6.2 miles from the mother church. He is grateful for the support that he receives.
In December, Motivator Calistus ministered in both churches and in Ngikidigos Village, and 11 people accepted Christ as Savior. About 104 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 121 attended in the daughter church.