SHARE Missionary Since: 2009
Zone: Lorugum
Villages: Sasak-echoke (pop. 1,400), Lorengipi (pop. 4,900),
Lokiremiet (pop. 400), Kang’achera (pop. 850),
Lobei (pop. 6,300), Nakatiyan (pop. 600), & Nakorikorio (pop. 550)
# of Churches: 7
Total Members: 759
Lighthouses: 36
Champions: 36

Note to Sponsor:
Dear Sponsor, Thank you for your generous support. God bless.
Updates from the field:
Monitor Abraham held services in 5 churches. Approximately 202 attended services each week in the mother church and 326 in 4 daughter churches combined. Ten people accepted Christ and 17 believers were baptized. Abraham is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him for rain, peace and for their church construction project.
In December, Monitor Abraham reported that the villagers in Sasak Echoke (pop. 1,400) make their living as pastorlists. About 242 believers meet weekly in the mother church. There are 11 Champions each leading their own Lighthouses where they are discipling others. These disciples have led 36 people to the Lord in 2023. The closest daughter churches is 8 miles from the mother church and the farthest one is 75 miles away. Abraham either walks or uses the Zone Motorbike that he has been stewarded with to travel to these churches. He meets with all his churches on a weekly basis.
In November, Monitor Abraham held services in 4 churches. About 204 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 682 attended in 3 of the daughter churches combined. Three new members joined the mother church this month. He did outreaches in Nakakerei Village and 2 people accepted Christ. Six people accepted Christ when disciples shared their faith story with them. Abraham is grateful for the continued support. He asks you to join him in praying for the church families, and for relief from the drought.
In October, Monitor Abraham held services in 5 churches. About 265 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 219 attended in the 4 daughter churches combined. Six new members joined the mother church this month and five joined the daughter churches. He did outreaches in Lomilo and Nakakerkerei villages and 3 people accepted Christ. Four people accepted Christ when disciples shared their faith story with them. Abraham distributed 19 Audio Bibles this month. He is grateful for the continued support. He asks you to join him in praying for rain, peace in the county, and for relief from the drought.
In September, Monitor Abraham held services in 4 churches. About 234 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 427 attended in 3 of the daughter churches combined. Five new members joined the mother church this month and six joined the daughter churches. He did outreaches in Locheaberu, Nakakerkerei and Konyipad villages and 4 people accepted Christ. He distributed 14 Audio Bibles this month. Abraham is grateful for the continued support. He asks you to join him in praying for peace for the country and for rain.
In August, Monitor Abraham held services in 4 churches. About 239 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 578 attended in 3 of the daughter churches combined. 4 disciples shared their faith stories with others and led them to Christ this month. Four new members joined the mother church this month and one joined one of the daughter churches. Abraham is grateful for the continued support. He asks you to join him in praying for the youth in the church and for the drought.
In July, Monitor Abraham held services in 4 churches. About 216 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 794 attended in 3 of the daughter churches combined. 6 disciples shared their faith stories with others and led them to Christ this month. Three new members joined the mother church this month. Abraham is grateful for the continued support. He asks you to join him in praying for relief from the drought, safety and strength as he walks from village to village. They also need more Audio Bibles.
In June, Monitor Abraham held services in 4 churches. About 218 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 669 attended in 3 of the daughter churches combined. He did an outreach in Logogo and Tiya Villages and 6 people accepted Christ. 4 disciples shared their faith stories with others and led them to Christ this month. Abraham is grateful for the continued support. He asks you to join him in praying for peace and protection and that more people would come to know Christ.
In May, Monitor Abraham held services in 4 churches. About 245 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 578 attended in 3 of the daughter churches combined. 4 disciples shared their faith stories with others and led them to Christ this month. He did an outreach in Knoyapid and Kangole Villages and 10 people gave their lives to Christ. Abraham is grateful for the continued support, for peace for the country and for much needed rain. He asks you to join him in praying for peace and protection and for the church leaders.
In April, Monitor Abraham held services in 4 churches. About 216 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 799 attended in 3 of the daughter churches combined. Abraham also shared the Gospel in 3 other villages, and 20 people were saved! There are now 13 Lighthouses with 97 disciples attending! Abraham is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He prays to continue impacting many lives with the Gospel.
In March, Monitor Abraham held services in 4 churches. About 215 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 759 attended in 3 of the daughter churches combined. 5 disciples shared their faith stories with others and led them to Christ this month. Abraham is grateful for the continued support, for peace for the country and for much needed rain. He asks you to join him in praying for insecurity and opposition to the Gospel message and strength to walk from village to village.
In February, Monitor Abraham held services in 4 churches, and 5 people came to Christ when the Gospel was shared in Lomilo and NakaTiyan villages. About 232 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 787 attended in 3 of the daughter churches combined. Ten new members were added to the daughter churches this month and 2 to the mother church. Five new Lighthouses were started this month, bringing the total to 25 with a Champion leading each one! He was able to distribute 14 more Audio Bibles to believers this month. Abraham is grateful for the continued support, for peace for the country. He asks you to join him in praying for rain for Turkana, for insecurity and opposition to the Gospel message.
In January, Monitor Abraham held services in 5 churches, and 5 people came to Christ when the Gospel was shared in Nakwei Village. About 185 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 810 attended in the 4 daughter churches combined. Abraham is planning an outreach to Lochoe Ebune Village, about 30 kms/18.6 miles away. He is grateful for the continued support, for God’s endless benevolence and the for the relief food that was brought to his village. He asks you to join him in praying for rain for Turkana.
In December, Monitor Abraham reported the attendance in each church as follows: Sasak-echoke Village – 230, Lorengipi Village – 100, Lokiremiet Village – 55, Kang’achera Village – 71, Lobei Village – 73, Nakatiyan Village – 50, & Nakorikorio Village – 60. There are now 16 Champions each leading their own Lighthouse where they are teaching the disciples how to make disciples of others!
In November, Monitor Abraham held weekly services in 4 churches. About 183 attended services each week in the mother church, and 496 attended in the 3 daughter churches combined. Ten new members were added to the mother church this month. He shared the Gospel in Lochor-Epetet Village. Abraham is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He prays for spiritual growth within the churches and leadership, for protection against evil forces and for strength as he walks from village to village.
In October, Monitor Abraham held services in 4 churches. About 89 attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 506 attended in the 3 daughter churches combined. Abraham is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He prays for spiritual growth within the churches, protection against evil forces, and for rainfall.
In September, Monitor Abraham held weekly services in 4 churches. About 128 attended services each week in the mother church, and 564 attended in the 3 daughter churches combined. He shared the Gospel in Napatio and Natiyan villages, and 5 people accepted Christ as Savior. Abraham is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He prays for spiritual growth within the churches, for protection against evil forces and for strength as he walks from village to village.
In August, Monitor Abraham held weekly services in 4 churches. About 66 attended services each week in the mother church, and 460 attended in the 3 daughter churches combined. He again shared the Gospel in Lobereta and Lotagor villages, and 6 people accepted Christ as Savior. He also reached a new village, Kabilokes Village. Abraham is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He prays for spiritual growth within the churches, for protection against evil forces and for strength as he walks from village to village.
In July, Monitor Abraham held weekly services in 4 churches. About 214 attended services each week in the mother church, and 603 attended in the 3 daughter churches combined. He also shared the Gospel in Lobereta and Lotagor villages, and 20 people accepted Christ as Savior. Abraham is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He prays for spiritual growth within the churches and for strength as he walks from village to village.
In June, Monitor Abraham held weekly services in 4 churches. About 109 attended services each week in the mother church, and 498 attended in 3 of the daughter churches combined. He also shared the Gospel in Lobereta and Lotagor villages, and 10 people accepted Christ as Savior. Abraham is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He prays for spiritual growth within the churches.
In May, Monitor Abraham held weekly services in 4 churches. Approximately 176 attended services each week in the mother church and 535 in three of the daughter churches combined. He also did an outreach in Lopeididing and Konyipad villages and 6 people gave their lives to Christ. Abraham is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him for spiritual growth in the church, for safety and strength as he walks from village to village and for the opposition the church is facing from other religions.
In April, Monitor Abraham held services in 4 churches, and 4 people were saved. Approximately 147 attended services each week in the mother church, and 416 attended in 3 of the daughter churches combined. Abraham is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor.
In March, Monitor Abraham held weekly services in 4 churches. Approximately 145 attended services each week in the mother church and 638 in three of the daughter churches combined. He also did an outreach in Lobereta Village and 2 people gave their lives to Christ. Abraham is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him for the church and his family, for safety and strength as he walks from village to village and for the opposition the church is facing from other religions.
In February, Monitor Abraham held weekly services in 5 churches. Approximately 178 attended services each week in the mother church and 770 in four of the daughter churches combined. He also did an outreach in Lokiriemet Village and 30 people gave their lives to Christ! He now has 10 Lighthouses led by 10 Champions, teaching 100 disciples! Abraham is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and for his good health. He asks that you pray with him for safety and strength as he walks from village to village and he has a great need for more Audio Bibles for the new believers in the villages.
In January, Monitor Abraham held weekly services in 7 churches. Approximately 249 attended services each week in the mother church and 350 in the 6 daughter churches combined. Abraham is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and for his good health. He asks that you pray with him for safety and strength as he walks from village to village and he has a great need for more Audio Bibles for the new believers in the villages.