The SEED – July 2024

 In The SEED


July 2024

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” 
–  Mark 16:15


I have experienced God’s intervention in my health condition the past couple of weeks here in Kenya. A few weeks prior to traveling from the U.S. to here, I had a few mini strokes. Somehow, I felt fairly strongly that I needed to proceed with the two Short-Term Outreach & Relief Mission (STORM) trips in Turkanaland planned for July. By God’s grace, I managed to welcome and fly to Turkanaland with Team 1. 
   As we prepared to embark on the road trip from our SEND Center to minister in our first of three villages, I sensed some discomfort on my right arm. A doctor in Lodwar advised me to travel back to Nairobi right away. I was a prime candidate for a massive stroke.
   On July 10th I underwent a 4-hour surgery here in Nairobi to unblock my left carotid artery that the surgeon says post-surgery was 90% blocked. All has gone well and I was discharged from hospital on July 17th. To God be all the glory!
   My dear wife Mary has been on hand to assist me as may be necessary. I’ll be heading back to the US on August 2nd. 
   STORM Team 1 and our staff and missionaries in Turkanaland did a superb job; and we anticipate the same in three more villages with Team 2 between July 20th and 31st. I am having to miss both STORMs under the circumstances. 
   I’ll forever be indebted to the many brothers and sisters that interceded for me. I can’t thank you enough. God heard and answered. Hallelujah!

(June 30th – July 10th)

On June 30th, 17 STORM team members representing 3 different churches departed from the U.S. to Turkana, Kenya to share the Gospel with the Turkana people. Most of these people had never been to Turkanaland before. During their visit, the STORMers, alongside some of the SHARE Staff and Motivators, ministered in 3 villages and planted a new church!

STORM-2024 Team 1 (left – right): Ron Miller, Aimee Brown, Maggie Kirst, Madison Brown, Charity Blosser, Jessica Novak, Jack Blosser, Steve Boozer, Jacelyn Popp, Sunshine Favors, Anthony Favors, Sheryl Ebert, Marlene Strube, Bob Jones, Juliet Winokur, Joseph Powers, John Kagu, Peter Pytlik


On the evening of July 2nd the team traveled to Kasilingmoe Village and screened The Jesus Film. There were about 115 people in attendance, and 18 accepted Christ. The team returned to this village the following two days to minister to the villagers. Over these two and one-half days, an average of 295 people heard the Gospel message each day! A total of 43 people accepted Christ, and 22 were baptized!

STORMer’s Jessica, Marlene, and Sunshine sharing the Gospel with young women

STORMer Steve, sharing the Gospel message with men

A young man who was baptized


On July 5th the team traveled 4 hours (not because the distance was long, but because the roads are mostly dirt tracks) to reach the village of Nakwatiir in Lorugum Zone. Nakwatiir was a previously unreached village. They brought along camping equipment so they could stay overnight in the village. As in the previous village, The Jesus Film was screened on the first night, and ministry teachings took place for the next 2 days. About 300 people came to hear the Gospel message each day. A total of 108 people accepted Christ, and 72 were baptized!

Screening The Jesus Film

Tents set up for the night

Getting ready for baptisms in the river

Some of those who were baptized


The following Sunday the STORM Team enjoyed worship service at the SEND Center in Lodwar with the SHARE Staff and missionaries and took the day to rest. Monday and Tuesday (July 8th and 9th) the team was up early to travel to Kakir Village in Sopel Zone to disciple the believers there. They screened The Jesus Film and held gender-age-appropriate ministry teachings, where they showed them how to use the ‘3-Circles” to share their faith with others. During these two days of ministry an average of 247 people came each day to hear the message, 150 accepted Christ, and 112 were baptized!

STORMer Charity, sharing the Gospel message with women and SHARE Staffer, Sarah Esekon, translating

SHARE Staffer, Sarah Esekon (far left), and STORMers, Aimee and Sheryl (far right), with six women who received Audio Bibles


“I learned a great deal about missions in general and this one specifically in the two weeks spent in Kenya with Share. I also learned a lot about myself and what may be a catalyst for changes in my life due to this experience. I never imagined the intensity and the harshness of the environment in northern Kenya, the area called Turkanaland.  It’s one thing to be in what one would consider a remote location, but with no food, water and electricity how can such a place exist in 2024. I have given money to support missions in our church and specific projects outside the church, however this trip highlighted the need to be more personally involved in missions, not because God needs me, but he welcomes me to be used in his furthering His Kingdom on this earth and the impact this had on my life is without a doubt the most incredibly gracious thing He has done for me. Missions is something I need to do, not just support financially.” – Anonymous STORMer

“I learned humility. Meeting the people, interacting, and sharing the gospel with them has helped me realize that, while we come from such different places, backgrounds, and experiences, we are each the same to God. God loves us in the exact same way. I learned to humble myself and allow the Holy Spirit to work through me ~ it’s 100% about JESUS!” – Anonymous STORMer

(Est. March 2024)

The Neve-Poole Kangageteiberu Sending Center in Kalobeyei Zone officially opened about 3 months ago. Peter Lokonya is the teacher at this Center and John Logilae is the Pastor. There are about 60-70 students attending classes at this center. They are still waiting for the desks and supplies to be delivered. In the meantime, they are doing their lessons with the supplies they have: an Audio Bible, hard-copy Bible, and a blackboard. The children are learning to recite and write the Turkana alphabet. They have also learned to count to 50. All the children speak the Turkana language, and some can speak Swahili. Once they have mastered their own language, they will be taught English. The Bible lesson that they have been focusing on is Creation.
   This center is also used for church services on Sundays and youth choir practice during the week. There are about 115 members that call this their home church.

Teacher Peter Lokonya instructing the class

A student reading from the blackboard

Construction of the 13th Sending Center has begun in Nadunga Village!
This will be known as the STORM/Vision Alumni Sending Center

The completed Sending Centers are marked in red.


– Many saved and baptized in Turkanaland during STORM Team 1’s ministry time

– Evident effectiveness of the contextualized DMM Curriculum used in teaching throughout Nyang’atomland, Toposaland, and Turkanaland
– Construction of the 13th (of 14) Sending Centers in Nadunga Village has been started
– God’s protection over Sammy during his medical emergency surgery and recovery


Successful outreach in 3 villages by STORM Team #2, occurring July 21st – July 28th

– Continued growth of Next-Gen children, construction of the remaining centers, finding qualified teachers, and provision of food and water at each of the centers

– Safety and perseverance for the Motivators in Turkanaland, Toposaland, and Nyang’atomland
– Continued rest and recovery for Sammy post his emergency surgery

Our remaining budget for 3Q is $167,386. 
We humbly request your continued support. 
Thank you SO MUCH! 


Thank you SO MUCH for your prayers and support!



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