The SEED – August 2024
August 2024
“Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest..”
– John 4:35
during my illness and hospitalization in Kenya in July. I returned home in Lubbock, Texas on
August 3rd. The SHARE International Board of Directors (IBD) has instructed me to attend only to tasks that mandate my attention to allow time for full recovery, which is happening steadily. I especially want to thank the IBD Chairman for continuing to step in and taking care of tasks that fall under my docket directly during my recovery. I thank the entire Staff (stateside and Turkanaland) for the superb job with the two STORM teams during my hospitalization and recuperation in Nairobi. Many, many thanks!
Allow me to request you to continue with your prayers and support for what the Lord
continues to accomplish through SHARE. We all have witnessed (or read from our monthly
“SEED” bulletin) the power of the Word of God when it’s presented/preached among the masses that have never heard the Good News before. Indeed, it’s not returning to God “empty”. No! It’s accomplishing “what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” (Isa. 55:11). We are witnessing faith being birthed in the hearts of men, women, youth, and children “…from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Rom. 10:17). I call upon all our friends to continue providing the resources needed to purchase and distribute more and more Solar-Powered Audio Bibles, Solar-Powered Projectors for screening The Jesus Film, and Motorbikes for our indigenous missionaries. Right now, our 2024 budget for Audio Bibles is $100,000, Projectors $25,000, and Motorbikes $70,000 (35 @ $2,000). Let us stay steadfast in saturating the Turkana (Kenya), the Toposa (South Sudan), and the Nyang’atom (Ethiopia) people-groups with the Spoken Word of God in our time! Jehovah Jireh! Yes He will!
Sammy Murimi
(July 19th – August 1st)
STORM-2024 Team 2
Back (left – right): Chance Wood, Rusty Sieck, Tara Mitchell, Jerry Clark, Wayne Wuebbles, Francios Natunga
Front (left-right): Chimwemwe Chinkuyu, Annie Thompson, Maria Arenas, Diavonni Dobbins, Renee Ramirez
Inset: Barry Blalock
The night before the STORM Team arrived in Koeleribo Village, the SHARE Team traveled to the village to screen The Jesus Film. There were 105 people in attendance. Over the next 2 days, the STORM Team shared the Gospel in the village. More than 300 people attended the teachings each day, 98 people placed their faith in Jesus, and 31 believers were baptized!
STORMer’s Jessica, Marlene, and Sunshine sharing the Gospel with young women
STORMer Steve, sharing the Gospel message with men
The STORM Team ministered in Lokorimoru Village for 2 days in a row. Originally they were going to camp overnight, but incoming rains led to a change of plans. This village was only about 50 minutes from Lodwar, so the team traveled back and forth from Lodwar each day. More than 400 people attended each day’s teachings. There was an overwhelming response to the Gospel with 367 accepting Christ and 75 believers baptized! A new church was planted!
STORMer Wayne, sharing the Gospel with men
STORMer Maria, sharing the Gospel with women
STORMer Annie, sharing the Gospel with young women
STORMers Chance and Rusty baptizing the new believers
The last village that the STORM Team ministered in was in Lorugum Zone. As in the other villages, the SHARE Team traveled to the village the night before to screen The Jesus Film. There were 103 people in attendance during the screening, and 28 accepted Christ. The next day the STORM Team arrived to minister. About 168 people attended the teachings, and 76 accepted Christ.
The people of Logogo Village gathering to worship
STORMer Renee talking with an elderly woman
STORMer Barry, posing with the young men that received Audio Bibles
I now connect to Matthew 4:19 with a greater understanding. “Then He said to them, ‘Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.'” – Anonymous STORMer
I learned that missions can be so many things. It’s not just about physically serving people, but also teaching people how much Jesus loves them. Missions can be anywhere and to anyone. I believe that the Turkana people taught me just as much as I taught them. I realized that while serving others you can be served during missions as well. – Anonymous STORMer
One of my favorite events that happened in the children’s ministry is when another STORMer physically showed the kids a little bit of what Jesus went through. He took the thorns from the trees and made a crown and put it on his head and he drew the cross on the white board and pretended to carry it and the look on the kids faces was priceless. Some of the kids had looks of absolute heartbreak, but some of the kids had looks of awe and disbelief. Many of the kids asked questions and were then so excited to recieve their Audio Bibles. – Anonymous STORMer
(Est. April 2024)
The Turning Point Lomerimagal Sending Center in Kalobeyei Zone officially opened recently. John Lokulak is the teacher at this center and James Alakara is the pastor. There are about 100 students attending classes. They are waiting for the desks and supplies to be delivered. In the meantime, they are doing their lessons with the supplies they have: an Audio Bible, hard-copy Bible, and a blackboard.
The children are learning to recite and write the Turkana alphabet and can count to 50. All the children speak the Turkana language, and some can speak Swahili. Once they have mastered their own language, they will be taught English. In their Bible lessons they have been learning how much God loves each one of them. They have been taught the “3-Walks” methodology and are learning how to share their testimonies with others. They have also been learning about the importance of personal hygiene.
The students sitting on the floor ready to be taught
Next Gen Coordinator, Mary Esinyen (in yellow), addressing the children
(Est. October 2022)
My name is Lucy Akai, I am glad that this center was built here for us.
We are being taught the Word of God at this center and praise God for that. We are happy that God has brought our teacher to teach us today. We appreciate SHARE for the good work.
Mary addressing the children
Children outside the center enjoying milk
- Many saved and baptized in Turkanaland during STORM Team 2’s ministry time
- Evident effectiveness of the contextualized DMM Curriculum used in teaching throughout Nyang’atomland, Toposaland, and Turkanaland
- Construction of the 13th (of 14) Sending Centers in Nadunga Village has been started. Lomeringal & Nakitoeakwaan have been completed. Only one more Sending Center to build!
- God’s protection over Sammy during his flight back to the U.S. and continued healing
- God’s protection and healing over a couple of members of the STORM team that had to be treated for malaria while on STORM
- Continued growth of Next-Gen children, construction of the remaining centers, finding qualified teachers, and provision of food and water at each of the centers
- Safety and perseverance for the Motivators in Turkanaland, Toposaland, and Nyang’atomland
- Continued recovery for Sammy from his surgery
Our remaining budget for 3Q is $144,575.
We humbly request your continued support.
Thank you SO MUCH!