Zone: Sopel
Main Village: Napusimoru
# of Churches: 2
Total Members: 147
Lighthouses: 5
Champions: 5
Disciples in Lighthouses: 21

Note to Sponsor:
Thanks to my sponsor for supporting my family and I which allows work of the ministry to continue and me to preach. Thank you very much.
Updates from the field:
In October, Coordinator Stephen ministered in both churches. About 93 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 60 attended in the daughter church. Stephen is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor. He prays that God will empower the leaders and elders of the church.
In September, Coordinator Stephen ministered in both churches. About 88 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 59 attended in the daughter church. Stephen is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor. He requests prayers for support for the needy.
In August, Stephen ministered in both churches. About 85 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 75 attended in the daughter church. Stephen is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor. He requests prayers for healing of the sick people.
In July, Stephen ministered in both churches and in Atakadong Village, and 10 people were saved. About 82 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 67 attended in the daughter church. Stephen is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor.
In June, Stephen ministered in both churches. About 81 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 66 attended in the daughter church. 2 new members joined the mother church. Stephen is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor.
In May, Stephen ministered in both churches. About 98 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 66 attended in the daughter church. Stephen is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor. He is planning an outreaches to Natorube (10 kms/6.2 miles) and Lochwa-akwan Villages (30 kms/18.6 miles away) sometime this year. He asks that you pray with him for rain for this drought striken region.
In April, Stephen ministered in both churches. About 78 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 65 attended in the daughter church. Stephen is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor. He is planning an outreaches to Natorube (10 kms/6.2 miles) and Lochwa-akwan Villages (30 kms/18.6 miles away) sometime this year. He asks that you pray with him for rain for this drought striken region.
November 2020
In November, Stephen ministered in both churches. About 83 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 73 attended in the daughter church. Stephen is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor. He is planning an outreach to Natorube Village (12.5 miles away) in the future.
October 2020
In October, Coordinator Stephen met with his congregation and shared the Gospel. An average of 83 members attended church service each Sunday in the mother church, and 73 attended in the daughter church in Napusimoru Village. Stephen is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor. He is planning an outreach to the Village of Natorube (12.5 miles away) in the future.
September 2020
In September, Coordinator Stephen was able to return to meeting with his church family as a whole, sharing the Gospel. An average of 85 members attended church service each Sunday in the mother church, and 77 attended in the daughter church in Gold Village. Stephen is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor. He is planning an outreach to the Village of Natorube (12.5 miles away) in the future.
March 2020
In March, Coordinator Stephen continued sharing the Gospel to those around him. An average of 82 members attended church service each Sunday in the mother church, and 76 attended in the daughter church in Gold Village. Stephen is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor. He is planning an outreach to the Village of Natorube in the future.
January 2020
In January, Stephen took on the responsibility of Coordinator of Sopel Zone, along with continuing his responsibilities to his churches. He continued to share the Gospel in Kaerisongol Village, and 3 people gave their lives to Christ. An average of 75 members attended church service each Sunday in the mother church, and 84 attended in the daughter church in Gold Village. Stephen is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor. He is planning an outreach to the Village of Kochwaakwan in the future.
December 2019
In December, Missionary Stephen shared the Gospel in Kaerisongol Village, and 1 person gave their lives to Christ. An average of 68 members attended church service each Sunday in the mother church, and 83 attended in the daughter church in Gold Village. Stephen is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor. He is planning an outreach to the Village of Kochwaakwan in the future.
November 2019
In November, Missionary Stephen shared the Gospel in Kaekorisogol Village, and 3 people gave their lives to Christ. An average of 61 members attended church service each Sunday in the mother church, and 90 attended in the daughter church. Stephen is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor.
October 2019
In October, Missionary Stephen shared the Gospel in Lochwaakwan Village, where two people accepted Christ. He has 2 people attending discipleship classes. 152 members attended Sunday services this month. Stephen is grateful for the support that he receives.
September 2019
In September, Missionary Stephen shared the Gospel again in Natorube Village, where five people accepted Christ. 136 members attend Sunday services this month. Stephen is grateful for the support that he receives.
August 2019
In August, Missionary Stephen ministered in Kaekorisogol Village, and 3 people gave their lives to Christ and joined the church. Stephen is grateful to his sponsor for the support he receives.
July 2019
In July, Missionary Stephen Longor reached the Natorube Village, where 72 members attend Sunday services. He is looking to do an outreach in the Village of Narengemunyen for a future church plant.
June 2019
In June, Missionary Stephen Longor reached the Natorube Village, where 62 members attend Sunday services. 2 people accepted Christ as Savior. He is looking at doing an outreach in the Village of Narengemunyen for a future church plant.
May 2019
In May, Missionary Stephen Longor reached the Narengemunyen Village, where 59 members attend Sunday services. 1 person accepted Christ as their Savior. Stephen is grateful for the support and prayers he receives.
April 2019
In April, Missionary Stephen Longor reached Sopel, where 59 members attended the church services. Stephen needs success in fundraising for the church construction. He is grateful for the support and prayers.
March 2019
In March, Missionary Stephen Longor reached Natorube and Narengemunyen, and 5 people gave their lives to Christ. 132 members attended church services in that month. There are 15 members in the discipleship class. Stephen needs success in fundraising for the church construction. He is grateful for the support and prayers.
February 2019
In February, Missionary Stephen Longor reached Narengemunyen; one of his targeted villages, and 5 people gave their lives to Christ. 5 poeple attended discipleship class. 68 members attended church services in that month. Stephen prayed for support with the fundraising of the church. Drought is a big challenge he faces, as members of the church are migrating during drought season. He thanks the sponsor for their support.
January 2019
In January, Missionary Stephen Longor reached Narengemunyen; one of his targeted villages, and 7 people gave their lives to Christ. 153 members attended church services in that month. Stephen thanks God for his daughter and son who are joining High School. He is grateful for the support and prayers.