SHARE Missionary Since: 2003
Zone: Sopel
Villages: Elelea (Loturerei) (pop. 2,500), Kagitankori (pop. 1,000), & Kanaodon (pop. 700)
Churches: 3
Total Members: 423
Lighthouses: 2
Champions: 2
Disciples: 10

Note to Sponsor:
Dear Sponsor, Be blessed for the support that we receive from you.
Updates from the field:
In December, Monitor Peter reported that the people of Elelea Village are pastoralists. There are about 239 members that attend services in Elelea Village regularly. The 2 Champions are each leading their own Lighthouse and the 10 disciples have led 3 people to Christ in 2023. Peter also walks the 36 – 43 miles to the 2 daughter churches monthly. There are 184 members that meet in these 2 daughter churches combined. Champions and Lighthouses have not been established in these villages yet.
In November, Monitor Peter ministered in his church in Loturerei Village, and about 102 members attended each Sunday. One new member joined the church this month. Peter is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and for the place that they have to worship. He prays for an end to the drought.
In October, Monitor Peter ministered in his church in Loturerei Village, and about 69 members attended each Sunday. Peter is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He prays for the many suffering from the drought and for more rain.
In September, Monitor Peter ministered in his church in Loturerei Village, and about 111 members attended each Sunday. Peter is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and for the DMM Materials so that they can share the Gospel with more people. He prays for the many suffering from the drought and for more rain.
In August, Monitor Peter ministered in his church in Loturerei Village, and about 90 members attended each Sunday. Two new members were added to the church this month. Peter is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He prays for the many suffering from the drought, for the construction of the church and for those that are absent from church.
In July, Monitor Peter ministered in 2 churches. In the mother church in Loturerei Village, and about 108 members attended each Sunday and in the daughter church in Kangitankori Village where 75 believers met. Peter is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He prays for the many suffering from the drought, for God to give him strength to do the ministry and for the fundraiser that they will be doing in October to raise money for a permanent church structure.
In June, Monitor Peter ministered in his church in Loturerei Village, and about 87 members attended each Sunday. Peter is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and that DMM Lighthouses are doing well. He prays for the many suffering from the drought.
In May, Monitor Peter held services in the mother church where 87 attended church each week. Peter is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and that DMM Lighthouses are doing well. He asks that you pray with him for the many suffering from the drought.
In April, Monitor Peter held services in the mother church where 86 attended in the mother church attended church each week. Peter is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor.
In March, Motivator Peter reported that there are 81 members in the church in Loturerei Village. Two disciples led others to Christ this month and they joined the church. Peter thanks God for the rain that they received and asks that you pray with him for those that are continuing to migrate.
In February, Monitor Peter held services in the mother church where 111 attended in the mother church attended church each week. There are 3 Champions teaching 28 disciples how to make disciples of others. Peter is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and for the supplies they receive from SHARE International to share the Gospel. He asks that you join him in praying for much needed rain.
In December, Motivator Peter reported that there are 226 members in the mother church in Elelea Village. In the daughter churches, there are 80 members in Kagitankori Village and 65 in Kanaodon Village. There are 5 Champions who are each leading their own Lighthouses where they are teaching disciples how to make disciples of others.
In November, Peter held services in 2 churches. About 92 members attended each Sunday in the mother church in Loturerei Village, 26 members attended each week in the daughter church in Kimabur Village. 1 person accepted Christ as Savior. Peter is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and for the Audio Bibles that they were given to distribute. He asks you to continue to pray with him for much needed rain.
In October, Peter held services in 2 churches. About 117 members attended each Sunday in the mother church in Loturerei Village, 97 attended in the daughter church in Kimabur Village. 1 person accepted Christ as Savior. Peter is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and asks that you pray with him for rain as many are suffering from hunger.
In September, Peter held services in 2 churches. About 98 members attended each Sunday in the mother church in Loturerei Village, 164 attended in the daughter church in Kimabur Village. 1 person accepted Christ as Savior. Peter is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor.
In August, Peter held services in 2 churches. About 90 members attended each Sunday in the mother church in Loturerei Village, 156 attended in the daughter church in Kimabur Village. 3 people accepted Christ as Savior. Peter is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor.
In July, Peter held services in 2 churches. About 110 members attended each Sunday in the mother church in Loturerei Village, 216 attended in the daughter church in Kimabur Village. 1 person accepted Christ as Savior. Peter is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor.
In June, Peter held services in 2 of his churches. About 96 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, 98 attended in the daughter church. 2 people accepted Christ as Savior. Peter is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor.
In May, Peter held services in all 3 churches. About 118 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, 87 attended in the daughter church in Kanaodon Village, and 90 attended in the daughter church in Kagitankori Village. 1 person accepted Christ as Savior. Peter is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor.
In April, Peter held services in 2 of his churches. About 66 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, 69 attended in the daughter church in Kanaodon Village. Peter is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He prays for those that are suffering due to the famine.
In March, Peter held services in all 3 churches, and 3 people gave their lives to Christ. About 82 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, 96 attended in the daughter church in Kanaodon Village, and 93 attended in the daughter church in Kagitankori Village. Peter is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He prays for more spiritual growth within the churches.
In February, Peter held services in all 3 churches, and 2 people gave their lives to Christ. About 68 members attended in the mother church, 95 attended in the daughter church in Kanaodon Village, and 105 attended in the daughter church in Kagitankori Village. Peter is grateful for the continued support from his sponor.
In January, Peter reported that there are 327 members in the mother church in Elelea (Loturerei Village), 81 members in the daughter church in Kagitankori Village, and 105 members in the daughter church in Kanaodon Village. Peter ministers in the mother church every Sunday and visits the daughter churches monthly. In addition to church services, he does sacraments, baptisms, homestead-to-homestead evangelism, and teaching the DMM methodology.
In December, Motivator Peter ministered to his church families. Approximately 83 members attended services weekly this past month in the mother church and 170 in the two daughter churches. Peter is grateful for the support that he receives and asks that you pray with him for rain for the crops as many are hungry.
In November, Motivator Peter ministered to all his churches. Approximately 59 believers met weekly in the mother church in Lotutrerei Village and 77 in the two daughter churches in Kagitankori and Kanaodon Villages. Two people accepted Christ this month when the Gospel was shared. Peter is grateful for the support that he receives and asks that you pray with him for the believers to grown in their faith. He also asks for prayers as there has not been any rain and many are suffering from hunger.
In October, Motivator Peter held services in all 3 churches. About 86 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 116 attended in the 2 daughter churches combined. Peter is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He prays for relief from famine and for the church members to grow stronger in their faith.
In September, Motivator Peter held services in all 3 churches, and 3 people were saved. About 71 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 130 attended in the 2 daughter churches combined. Peter is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He prays for relief from famine.
In August, Motivator Peter held services in 3 churches. About 81 members attended each Sunday in the mother church in Loturerei Villae, 38 attended in the daughter church in Kagitankori Village, and 43 attended in the daughter church in Kanaodon Village. Peter is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him for the members of his congregation that are migrating in search of water.
In July, Motivator Peter held services in all of his churches, and 2 people were saved. About 81 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 129 attended in the 3 daughter churches combined. Peter is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him for protection from COVID and for the members of his congregation that are migrating in search of water.
In June, Motivator Peter ministered to all of his churches. About 80 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 71 attended in 2 of the daughter churches combined. 3 people accepted Christ when Peter shared the Gospel. Peter is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor and he asks that you pray with him for rain for this drought stricken area and for the members of his congregation as they are migrating in search of water.
In May, Motivator Peter ministered to all of his churches. About 59 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 139 attended in the 3 daughter churches combined. 2 people accepted Christ when Peter shared the Gospel. Peter is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor and he asks that you pray with him for rain for this drought stricken area.
In April, Motivator Peter ministered to all of his churches. About 78 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 129 attended in the 3 daughter churches combined. 3 people accepted Christ when Peter shared the Gospel. Peter is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor and he asks that you pray with him for rain for this drought stricken area.