Updates from the field:
In October, Monitor Paul ministered in his church, and about 72 members attended each Sunday. Four new members were added to the mother church this month. Paul is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him that God would send rain.
In September, Monitor Paul ministered in his church, and about 89 members attended each Sunday. Five new members were added to the mother church this month. Three disciples shared their faith stories with others, and Paul distributed 3 Audio Bibles this month. Paul is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and for God’s grace. He asks that you pray with him that God would continue to provide their every need.
In August, Monitor Paul ministered in his church, and about 104 members attended each Sunday. Two new members were added to the mother church this month. Paul is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him that they would be able to receive more DMM materials. (Audio Bibles, hard-copy Bibles and bookmarks)
In July, Monitor Paul ministered in his church, and about 94 members attended each Sunday. Six new members were added to the mother church this month. Paul is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and wants you to know that he prays for you. He asks that you pray with him for those suffering from hunger.
In June, Monitor Paul ministered in his church in Nakechiokor Village, and about 96 members attended each Sunday. He is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He prays for the needy people in the church.
In May, Monitor Paul ministered in his church, and about 95 members attended each Sunday. He was able to distribute 13 Audio Bibles this month. He is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him for all the SHARE Missionaries and for those suffering from hunger.
In April, Monitor Paul ministered in his church, and about 105 members attended each Sunday. Five new members joined the church this month. One disciple shared their faith story and led another person to Christ. Paul is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him the church leaders and for the mothers and children that are suffering from hunger and malnutrition.
In March, Monitor Paul ministered in his church, and about 91 members attended each Sunday. He is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor, for the rains that came and for the health of the church. He asks that you pray with him for the mothers and children that are suffering from hunger and malnutrition.
In February, Monitor Paul ministered in his church, and about 95 members attended each Sunday. Six new members were added to the mother church this month. Paul was able to distribute 13 Audio Bibles to believers. He is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and asks that you pray with him for strength during difficult times, and for rain.
In January, Monitor Paul ministered in his church, and about 92 members attended each Sunday. There are 25 disciples learning how to make disciples of others. Paul is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor.
In December, Monitor Paul reported that there are 210 members in the mother church in Nakechichok Village. There are 5 Champions who are each leading their own Lighthouse where they are teaching disciples how to make disciples of others.
In November, Monitor Paul ministered in his church, and about 108 members attended each Sunday. Nineteen new members were added to the church this month. He also did outreaches in Ngikwatuk and Ibokorit Villages and 25 people accepted Christ when the Gospel message was shared. Paul is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He thanks God for SHARE International and the food that was distributed to his village.
In October, Monitor Paul ministered in his church, and about 104 members attended each Sunday. Fourteen new members were added to the church this month. Paul is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and is also grateful for the Audio Bibles that he was able to distribute.
In September, Monitor Paul ministered in his church, and about 86 members attended each Sunday. Paul is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He thanks God for protection even as he encounters challenges in life.
In August, Monitor Paul ministered in his church, and about 100 members attended each Sunday. Paul is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor.
In July, Monitor Paul ministered in his church, and about 99 members attended each Sunday. Paul is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor.
In June, Monitor Paul ministered in his church, and about 95 members attended each Sunday. There are 2 Champions training 25 disciples how to make disciples of others. Paul is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor.
In May, Monitor Paul ministered in his church, and about 103 members attended each Sunday. He also reached Kaekile Village with the Gospel, 30 people accepted Christ as Savior! 26 believers were baptized. Paul is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor.
In April, Monitor Paul ministered in the mother church, and about 109 members attended each Sunday. Eleven new members were added to the mother church this month. He is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor.
In March, Monitor Paul ministered in the mother church, and about 80 members attended each Sunday. He is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor.
In February, Monitor Paul ministered in the mother church, and about 93 members attended each Sunday. He thanks God for the maintaining faith of believers in his church and for the continued support from his sponsor.
In January, Monitor Paul reported that there are 100 members in the church. Other than regular serivces, he also does baby dedications, baptisms, homestead-to-homestead evangelism, and training disciples on the DMM methodology.
In December, Monitor Paul ministered in his home church, and about 75 members attended each Sunday. Paul is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him for the many that are migrating in search of food.
In November, Monitor Paul ministered in his home church, and about 84 members attended each Sunday. Paul is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He requests prayers for healing and relief from the drought and famine in the area.
In October, Monitor Paul ministered in his home church, and about 118 members attended each Sunday. Paul is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He thanks God for the visitors that came and brought food to all the people in his village.
In September, Monitor Paul ministered in his home church, and about 93 members attended each Sunday. Paul is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He is grateful for the increasing number of members in the church. He requests prayers for healing and relief from the drought and famine in the area.
In August, Monitor Paul ministered in his home church, and about 74 members attended each Sunday. Paul is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He is grateful for the increasing number of members in the church. He requests prayers for healing and relief from the drought and famine in the area.
In July, Monitor Paul ministered in his home church, and 76 members attended each Sunday. 6 new members were added this month. Paul is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor. He is grateful for the increasing number of youth that are attending services every week and learning about God. He asks that you pray with him for rain and for more Sunday School teachers.
In June, Monitor Paul ministered in his home church, and 75 members attended church services. 4 new members were added this month. Paul is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor. He is grateful for the number of people that are attending services every week and learning about God. He also asks that you pray with him for rain for the area.
In May, Monitor Paul ministered in his home church, and 76 members attended church services. 3 new members were added this month. Paul is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him for strength as he ministers to the people in his area.
In April, Monitor Paul ministered in his home church, and 64 members attended church services. 5 new members were added this month. Paul is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him for rain during this dry season in Turkana as people are migrating in search of water and food for their animals.