SHARE Evangelist Since: 2022
Wife: Elizabeth Lokiru
Children: Moses, Josephat,
Francis, Korobe, Lotaparin, & Echame
Zone: Katapakin
Village: Lotukimo (pop. 1,400)
Members: 97
Churches: 1
Champions: 7
Lighthouses: 7

In December, Evangelist Joseph reported that the people of Lotukumo Village make mats for a living. There are 97 members at the mother church and 7 Champions that are discipling 29 disciples. These disciples led 20 people to Christ in 2023. Joseph travels by foot wherever he travels.
In November, Evangelist Joseph ministered in his church, and about 130 members attended each Sunday. He is thankful for God’s unfailing love.
In October, Evangelist Joseph ministered in his church, and about 152 members attended each Sunday. He is thankful for God’s unfailing love.
In September, Evangelist Joseph ministered in his church, and about 172 members attended each Sunday. One new member joined the church this month. He is praying for the missionaries in Turkana and for the migrating families due to the drought.
In July, Evangelist Joseph ministered in his church, and about 148 members attended each Sunday. Fifteen new members joined the church this month. He is thankful for God’s kindness to him and asks you to pray with him for the many suffering from the drought.
In April, Evangelist Joseph ministered in his church, and about 147 members attended each Sunday. He asks you to pray with him for the many suffering from the drought.
In March, Evangelist Joseph ministered in his church, and about 162 members attended each Sunday. There are now 36 disciples in Lighthouses. He asks you to pray with him for the many suffering from the drought.
In February, Evangelist Joseph ministered in his church, and about 172 members attended each Sunday. When he shared the Gospel message in Lotukumo Village, 4 people accepted Christ.
In January, Evangelist Joseph ministered in his church, and about 146 members attended each Sunday.
In December, Evangelist Joseph reported that there are 82 members in the mother church in Lotukumo Village. There are 5 Champions each leading their own Lighthouse where they are teaching disciples how to make disciples of others. Joseph plans to reach 1 more village in 2023 – Kidewa!
In November, Evangelist Joseph ministered in his church, and about 140 members attended each Sunday.
In October, Evangelist Joseph ministered in his church, and about 135 members attended each Sunday.
In September, Evangelist Joseph ministered in his church, and about 108 members attended each Sunday. He shared the Gospel in Nakoret Village and 5 people accepted Christ!
In August, Evangelist Lopua ministered in his church, and about 126 members attended each Sunday.
In July, Evangelist Joseph ministered in his church, and about 133 members attended each Sunday.
In June, Evangelist Lopua ministered in his church, and about 124 members attended each Sunday.
In May, Evangelist Lopua ministered in his church, and about 52 members attended each Sunday. He prays that God will continue to guide him in leading His people.
In April, Evangelist Lopua ministered in his church, and about 116 members attended each Sunday. He prays that his family and the church stay strong in the faith.