SHARE Missionary Since: 2013
Zone: Kalobeyei
Villages: Nayenae-emeyan (pop. 4,000), Natiir 2 (pop. 560), Lopur (pop. 1,800), Pokotom (pop. 1,200), Lotoka (pop. 500),
Ngitukomwa (pop. 1,200), Nakitoekirion (pop. 500), & Kanan (pop. 2,000)
# of Churches: 8
Total Members: 739
Lighthouses: 10
Champions: 14
Disciples in Lighthouses: 35
Note to Sponsor:
Dear Sponsor, God bless you.
Updates from the field:
In December, Motivator Joseph reported that the people in Nayanae-Emeyen Village have small businesses and sell charcoal. There are about 286 members that attend this church regularly. The 3 Champions each have a Lighthouse where they are discipling 14 disciples. These disciples have led 28 others to Christ in 2023. The 7 daughter churches are between 3 and 11 miles from the mother church and Joseph hires a motor bike to travel to the villages. He meets weekly with 6 of them and bi-weekly with the 7th. There are 10 Champions in the daughter churches. The disciples in these Lighthouses have led 9 people to Christ in 2023. Joseph has identified one more unreached village in his area that is about 4 miles from the mother church. He plans on reaching that village in 2024.
In November, Motivator Joseph held services in 8 churches. About 171 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 502 attended in the 7 daughter churches combined. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and for the rain. He asks that you pray with him for the many migrating and for strength to walk from village to village.
In October, Motivator Joseph held services in 8 churches. About 174 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 528 attended in the 7 daughter churches combined. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and for God’s divine intervention as more souls come to Christ. He asks that you pray with him for the many migrating and for strength to walk from village to village.
In September, Motivator Joseph held services in 6 churches. About 160 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 427 attended in 5 of the daughter churches combined. 21 new members were added to the mother church and 8 in the daughter churches this month. 7 disciples led others to Christ this month. He did an outreach in Kaborokit Village and two people accepted Christ. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and for God’s grace. He asks that you pray with him for the many migrating and for strength to walk from village to village.
In August, Motivator Joseph held services in all 8 churches. About 170 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 490 attended in the 7 daughter churches combined. 18 new members were added to the mother church and 3 in the daughter churches this month. 10 disciples led others to Christ this month. He did an outreach in Naregae Village and one person accepted Christ. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and for the new believers! He asks that you pray with him for the many migrating and for strength to walk from village to village.
In July, Motivator Joseph held services in all 8 churches. About 165 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 519 attended in the 7 daughter churches combined. 8 new members were added to the daughter churches and 5 to the mother church. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and for the new believers! He asks that you pray with him for the many migrating and for strength to walk from village to village.
In May, Motivator Joseph held services in all 8 churches. About 202 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 528 attended in the 7 daughter churches combined. 4 new members were added to the daughter churches and 7 disciples led others to Christ this month. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He praises God for the new believers! He asks that you pray with him for the many migrating and for strength to walk from village to village.
In April, Motivator Joseph held services in all 8 churches. About 150 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 543 attended in the 7 daughter churches combined. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and for the rain. He asks that you pray with him for relief from the drought and hunger and strength to walk from village to village.
In March, Motivator Joseph held services in all 8 churches. About 165 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 564 attended in the 7 daughter churches combined. 14 new members were added to the mother church and 2 disciples led others to Christ this month. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He praises God for the rain and for the new believers! He asks that you pray with him for relief from the drought and hunger and for the many migrating.
In February, Motivator Joseph held services in all 8 churches. About 157 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 543 attended in the 7 daughter churches combined. He again shared the Gospel in Kabokorit Village and 4 people accepted Christ. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He praises God for life! He asks that you pray with him for relief from the drought and hunger, for strength as he walks from village to village and for the many migrating.
In January, Motivator Joseph held services in all 8 churches. About 182 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 654 attended in the 7 daughter churches combined. He also shared the Gospel in Kabokorit Village and 11 people accepted Christ and 27 were baptized! The disciples also led 7 people to Christ this month! Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He praises God for life!
In December, Motivator Joseph reported that there are 286 members in the mother church in Nayanae-emeyen Village. In the daughter churches, there are 78 in Natiir II Village, 50 in Lopur Village, 90 in Pokotom Village, 44 in Lotaka Village, 66 in Ngitukomwa Village, 70 in Nakitoekirion Village, and 55 in Kanan Village. There are 13 Champions who each lead their own Lighthouse where they are teaching the disciples how to make disciples of others. Joseph plans to reach 1 more village in 2023 – Naregae!
In November, Motivator Joseph held services in all 8 churches. About 177 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 398 attended in the 7 daughter churches combined. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He praises God for the new members that have joined the churches.
In October, Motivator Joseph held services in all 8 churches. About 161 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 370 attended in the 7 daughter churches combined. 1 person accepted Christ as Savior. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and prays for more blessings upon their lives.
In September, Motivator Joseph held services in all 8 churches. About 170 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 415 attended in the 7 daughter churches combined. 18 new members were added to the mother church this month. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and asks that you pray with him for the many suffering because of the drought.
In August, Motivator Joseph held services in all 8 churches. About 171 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 382 attended in the 7 daughter churches combined. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and asks that you pray with him for strength as he walks from village to village as many of the villages where the daughter churches are located are a long distance from the mother church.
In July, Motivator Joseph held services in all 8 churches. About 154 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 382 attended in the 7 daughter churches combined. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor.
In June, Motivator Joseph held services in all 8 churches. About 177 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 392 attended in the 7 daughter churches combined. There are 3 Champions teaching 12 disciples how to make disciples of others. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor.
In May, Motivator Joseph held services in all 8 churches. About 217 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 431 attended in the 7 daughter churches combined. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor.
In April, Motivator Joseph held services in all 8 churches. About 159 attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 411 attended in the 7 daughter churches combined. There are 18 disciples learning how to make disciples of others. Joseph is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor.
In March, Motivator Joseph ministered to his eight church families. About 164 believers met weekly in the mother church this month, and 514 in the seven daughter churches combined. Nine new members were added to the mother church this month. He is grateful for the support that he receives and for the new members that were added to the church and asks that you pray with him for church members that they would continue to grow in their faith.
In February, Motivator Joseph ministered to his eight church families. About 168 believers met weekly in the mother church this month, and 463 in the seven daughter churches combined. He is grateful for the support that he receives and asks that you pray with him for church leaders, that they would stay strong in their faith.
In January, Motivator Joseph reported that there are 267 members in the mother church in Nayanae-emeyen Village. The attendance in the daughter churches is as follows: Natiir 2- 68, Lopur- 30, Pokotom- 40, Lotoka- 38, Ngitukomua- 30, Nakitoekirian- 60, & Kanan- 21. In addition to regular services, Joseph does sacraments, homestead-to-homestead evangelism, and teaches the DMM methodology.
In December, Motivator Joseph ministered to all his church families. About 178 members attended each Sunday in the mother church alone and 441 in the 7 daughter churches combined. 10 new members were added to the mother church this month and 10 people accepted Christ when the Gospel message was shared. Joseph is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor and is grateful to God for His faithfulness throughout the year. He asks that you pray with him for the needy in the villages he serves.
In November, Motivator Joseph ministered to all his church families. About 169 members attended each Sunday in the mother church alone and 421 in the 7 daughter churches combined. 10 new members were added to the mother church this month. Joseph is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him for strength to walk the long distances between villages and for the needy in the villages.
In October, Motivator Joseph ministered to all his church families. About 164 members attended each Sunday in the mother church alone and 399 in the 7 daughter churches combined. 8 new members were added to the mother church this month. Joseph is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him for strength to walk the long distances between villages.
In September, Motivator Joseph ministered to all his church families. About 154 members attended each Sunday in the mother church alone and 382 in the 7 daughter churches combined. When the Gospel was shared in Kabokorit Village, 2 people accepted Christ. 8 new members were added to the mother church this month. Joseph is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor and for those who trusted Christ this month! He asks that you pray with him for strength to walk the long distances between villages.
In August, Motivator Joseph ministered to all his church families. About 155 members attended each Sunday in the mother church alone and 435 in the 7 daughter churches combined. When the Gospel was shared in Natiir 2 Village, 4 people accepted Christ. 2 new members were added to the mother church this month. Joseph is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor and for those who trusted Christ this month! He asks that you pray with him for the 3 families in the church that lost loved ones this month.
In July, Motivator Joseph ministered to all his church families. About 164 members attended each Sunday in the mother church alone and 423 in the 7 daughter churches combined. Joseph is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor and thanks them for the prayers for the church, it is growing stronger.
In June, Motivator Joseph ministered to all his church families. About 153 members attended each Sunday in the mother church alone and 443 in the 7 daughter churches combined. 4 new members were added to the daughter churches this month. Joseph is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor.
In May, Motivator Joseph ministered to all his church families. About 188 members attended each Sunday in the mother church alone and 434 in the 7 daughter churches combined. He did an outreach in Kaborit Village and one person made a decision to accept Christ. He now has 7 Champions leading 7 Lighthouses, discipling 60 members. Joseph is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor.
In April, Motivator Joseph ministered to all his church families. About 173 members attended each Sunday in the mother church alone and 394 in the 7 daughter churches combined. He did an outreach in Kaborit Village and this time no one made a decision to accept Christ. Joseph is grateful for the support he receives from his sponsor.