Isaiah Ekwar Lokirien


    Wife: Dorcas Ayanae

    Not yet blessed with children, but trusting God

    Zone: Nakiria

    Village: Nakingol (pop. 700)

    # of Churches: 1

    Total Members: 146

    Lighthouses: 6

    Champions: 6

    Disciples in Lighthouses: 36

    In October 2021, Isaiah Ekwar Lokirien became a SHARE Motivator replacing Peter Ekiru Ekuwom who moved to the Toposa Team. Isaiah has led 42 adults in Nakingol Village to a saving faith. He is grateful to God for the DMM training he received from SHARE which has enabled him to reach his people with the Word of God.




    In December, Motivator Isaiah reported that the people of Nakingol make a living by making baskets, selling charcoal, and keeping livestock. There are about 146 members that meet regularly for services in the mother church. The 6 Champions are each leading a Lighthouse and the disciples have led 7 people to Christ in 2023. Isaiah has identified a village about 8 miles away that has not been reached with the Gospel. He plans to walk to that village in 2024 and share the Gospel with them.


    In August, Motivator Isaiah reported that there are 60 members in the mother church in Nakingol Village. Eighteen new members joined the mother church this month when 21 disciples shared their faith stories with them. He did an outreach in Kaemokirion Village and 34 people accepted Christ and 18 were baptized! Isaiah is praising God for those who came to Christ and were baptized. He asks you to pray with him for an end to the drought.


    In April, Motivator Isaiah reported that there are 64 members in the mother church in Nakingol Village. Isaiah asks you to pray for those in his area that were affected by the flooding caused by the recent rains.



    In December, Motivator Isaiah reported that there are 116 members in the mother church in Nakingol Village. There are 6 Champions who are each leading their own Lighthouse where they are teaching disciples how to make disciples of others. Isaiah plans to reach 1 more village in 2023 – Kaemokirion!


    In November, Motivator Isaiah ministered in his church, and about 47 members attended each Sunday. There are 36 disciples learning how to make disciples of others.


    In October, Motivator Isaiah ministered in his church, and about 57 members attended each Sunday. 6 people accepted Christ as Savior, and 3 were baptized.


    In September, Motivator Isaiah ministered in his church, and about 37 members attended each Sunday. 5 people accepted Christ as Savior when the Gospel message was shared. 4 new members were added to the mother church.


    In August, Motivator Isaiah ministered in his church, and about 79 members attended each Sunday. 4 people accepted Christ as Savior, and 11 new members were added to the church! Isaiah is grateful for those that came to Christ and asks that you pray with him for the many suffering due to the drought.


    In July, Motivator Isaiah ministered in his church, and about 68 members attended each Sunday. 4 people accepted Christ as Savior when the Gospel message was shared. 7 new members were added to the mother church.


    In June, Motivator Isaiah ministered in his church, and about 38 members attended each Sunday. 18 people accepted Christ as Savior, and 14 believers were baptized! There are 8 disciples learning how to make disciples of others.


    In May, Motivator Isaiah ministered in his church. About 58 members attended service each Sunday. He did an outreach in Nayanae Elim Village and 4 people gave their lives to Christ.


    In April, Motivator Isaiah ministered in his church, and 4 people were saved. About 74 members attended service each Sunday. Isaiah is planning an outreach in Kankumeri Village in June.