SHARE Evangelist Since: 2022
Wife: Leah Silale Ewoi
Children: Sarah, Dorcas, & Leah
Zone: Kalemng’orok
Village: Kaimegur

In November, Evangelist Ewoi ministered to 75 people weekly in the mother church in Kaimegur Village. 24 disciples shared their faith stories with others and 3 people came to Christ and joined the church. He did an outreach in Komsia and 2 people accepted Christ. He asks that you pray with him that they could get the resources needed for their church project, for those suffering from the drought, and peace in the area.
In October, Evangelist Ewoi ministered to 53 people weekly in the mother church in Kaimegur Village. 24 disciples shared their faith stories with others and 3 people came to Christ and joined the church. He asks that you pray with him that they could get the resources needed for their church project, for those suffering from the drought, peace in the area and for strength as he walks from village to village.
In September, Evangelist Ewoi ministered to 47 people weekly in the mother church in Kaimegur Village. 24 disciples shared their faith stories with others and 2 people came to Christ and joined the church. He asks that you pray with him for those suffering from the drought, peace in the area and for strength as he walks from village to village.
In August, Evangelist Ewoi ministered to 71 people weekly in the mother church in Kaimegur Village. He did another outreach in Kaidima Village and 2 more people accepted Christ. 19 disciples shared their faith stories with others and 3 people came to Christ and joined the church. He asks that you pray with him for those suffering from the drought and for strength as he walks from village to village.
In July, Evangelist Ewoi ministered to 86 people weekly in the mother church in Kaimegur Village. He did an outreach in Kaidima Village and 3 people accepted Christ. 18 disciples shared their faith stories with others and 5 people came to Christ and joined the church. He asks that you pray with him for those suffering from the drought and for strength as he walks from village to village.
In June, Evangelist Ewoi ministered to 75 people weekly in the mother church in Kaimegur Village. Two new members were added the the church this month. He did an outreach in Kaidima Village and 3 people accepted Christ. He asks that you pray with him for those suffering because of the drought.
In May, Evangelist Ewoi ministered to 52 people weekly in the mother church in Kaimegur Village. He asks that you pray with him for the many migrating because of the drought.
In April, Evangelist Ewoi ministered in the mother church, and about 73 members attended each Sunday. He also shared the Gospel in Komsia Village, and 3 people accepted Christ as Savior.
In March, Evangelist Ewoi ministered to 79 people weekly in the mother church in Kaimegur Village. Three new members were added to the mother church this month. Sixteen disciples shared their faith stories with others this month. He asks that you pray with him for the many migrating because of the drought and for strength as he walks from village to village.
In February, Evangelist Ewoi ministered to 73 people weekly in the mother church in Kaimegur Village. Six new members were added to the mother church this month. He asks that you pray with him for the many migrating because of the drought and for strength as he walks from village to village.
In January, Evangelist Ewoi ministered to 75 people weekly in the mother church in Kaimegur Village. He has 8 Champions discipling 40 disciples. He asks that you pray with him for the many migrating because of the drought.
In December, Evangelist Ewoi reported that there are 294 memebrs in his church in Kaimegur Village. He plans to reach Kaidima Village (10 kms away) by May 2023!
In November, Evangelist Ewoi ministered in his church, and about 47 members attended each Sunday. Six new members were added to the mother church this month. He did another outreach in Kaidima Village, and 2 people accepted Christ. He asks that you pray with him for the many that are migrating in search of food and water and also for strength as he walks from village to village.
In October, Evangelist Ewoi ministered in his church, and about 47 members attended each Sunday. He also shared the Gospel in Kaidima Village, and 2 people accepted Christ.
In September, Evangelist Ewoi ministered in his church, and about 52 members attended each Sunday. He asks that you pray with him for the many that are migrating in search of food and water and also for strength as he walks from village to village.
In August, Evangelist Ewoi ministered in his church, and about 49 members attended each Sunday. He asks that you pray with him for strength as he walks from village to village.
In July, Evangelist Ewoi ministered in his church, and about 46 members attended each Sunday. He asks that you pray with him for the many that are migrating in search of food and water and also for strength as he walks from village to village.
In June, Evangelist Ewoi ministered in his church, and about 40 members attended each Sunday. 2 disciples led others to a saving faith in Christ.
In May, Evangelist Ewoi ministered in his church, and about 37 members attended each Sunday. Three new members were added to the mother church this month.
In April, Evangelist Ewoi ministered in his church, and about 38 members attended each Sunday. There are 5 disciples learning how to make disciples of others.