SHARE Missionary Since: 2015
Zone: Chokchok
Villages: Chokchok, Nakaliban,
Ngasapanet, Nakadukui,
Ngibanyarukia, Kalotianga,
Katamakirion, Nabulon, & Natiir
# of Churches: 9
Total Members: 1,252
Disciples in Lighthouses: 108
Note to Sponsor:
Dear Sponsor, I am thankful to you for the support that I receive.
Updates from the field:
In October, Monitor David ministered in all 9 churches. About 115 believers met weekly in the mother church, and 980 in the 8 daughter churches combined. When 12 disciples shared their faith stories with others, four people accepted Christ and joined the mother church and 5 joined the daughter churches. David is grateful for the support from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him for strength to do the ministry and for strength as he walks from village to village.
In September, Monitor David ministered in all 9 churches. About 122 believers met weekly in the mother church, and 925 in the 8 daughter churches combined. When 12 disciples shared their faith stories with others, four people accepted Christ and joined the mother church. He distributed 3 Audio Bibles. David is grateful for the support from his sponsor and is praising God for sustaining them. He asks that you pray with him for an end to the drought.
In August, Monitor David ministered in all 9 churches. About 105 believers met weekly in the mother church, and 756 in the 8 daughter churches combined. David is grateful for the support from his sponsor and is praising God for all that He has done. He asks that you pray with him for an end to the drought and for those suffering from hunger.
In July, Monitor David ministered in all 9 churches. About 89 believers met weekly in the mother church, and 756 in the 8 daughter churches combined. David is grateful for the support from his sponsor and asks that you pray with him for rain for this drought stricken region, for the families and the church.
In June, Monitor David ministered in all 9 churches. About 91 believers met weekly in the mother church, and 664 in the 8 daughter churches combined. Six new members were added to the mother church this month. David is grateful for the support from his sponsor and asks that you pray with him for the sick people in his churches to be healed.
In May, Monitor David ministered in all 9 churches. About 107 believers met weekly in the mother church, and 664 in the 8 daughter churches combined. Six new members were added to the mother church this month. David is grateful for the support from his sponsor and asks that you pray with him for rain for this drought stricken region.
In April, Monitor David held services in all 9 churches. About 105 believers met weekly in the mother church, and 756 attended in the 8 daughter churches combined. David is grateful for the support from his sponsor. He praises God for keeping the believers’ faith in Him.
In March, Monitor David ministered in all 9 churches. About 106 believers met weekly in the mother church, and 756 in the 8 daughter churches combined. Two new members were added to the mother church this month. David is grateful for the support from his sponsor and asks that you pray with him for rain for this drought stricken region and for the leadership of the churches.
In February, Monitor David ministered in all 9 churches. About 107 believers met weekly in the mother church, and 664 in the 8 daughter churches combined. Six new members were added to the mother church this month. David is grateful for the support from his sponsor and asks that you pray with him for rain for this drought stricken region.
In January, Monitor David ministered in all 9 churches. About 121 believers met weekly in the mother church, and 544 in the 8 daughter churches combined. Two people accepted Christ when the Gospel message was shared. David is grateful for the support from his sponsor and asks that you pray with him for rain for this drought stricken region.
In December, Monitor David reported that there are 595 members in the mother church in Chokchok Village, and in the daughter churches there are 69 members in Nakaliban, 67 in Ngasapanet, 186 in Nakadukui, 65 in Ngibanyarukia, 90 in Kalotianga, 63 in Natiir-lulung, 57 in Mabulon, and 60 in Kaemokirion. In addition to regular services, David does baptisms, homestead-to-homestead evangelism, and DMM trainings.
In November, Monitor David ministered in all his churches, and about 138 members attended each Sunday and 1,328 believers attending services weekly in the 8 daughter churches combined. Four people came to Christ this month when the Gospel message was shared. David is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and asks that you pray for his family and the church and the many suffering due to the drought and for the children as they are preparing for year end exams.
In October, Monitor David ministered in all his churches, and about 142 members attended each Sunday and 1,325 believers attending services weekly in the 8 daughter churches combined. 110 people came to Christ this month and were baptized when the Gospel message was shared! David is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and asks that you pray for his family and the church and the many suffering due to the drought and for the children as they are preparing for year end exams.
In September, Monitor David ministered in the mother church, and about 112 members attended each Sunday and 1,453 believers attending services weekly in the 8 daughter churches combined. David is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor and asks that you pray for his family and the church and the many suffering due to the drought.
In August, Monitor David ministered in the mother church, and about 115 members attended each Sunday. David also ministered to 8 daughter churches with 1,510 members attending. David is grateful for the support from his sponsor and asks that you pray with him for the many that are migrating due to the drought.
In July, Monitor David ministered in the mother church, and about 111 members attended each Sunday. 4 people accepted Christ as Savior. David also ministered to 8 daughter churches with 1,564 members attending. David is grateful for the support from his sponsor and asks that you pray with him for the many that are suffering due to the drought.
In June, Monitor David ministered in the mother church, and about 113 members attended each Sunday. 4 people accepted Christ as Savior. There are 108 disciples learning how to make disciples of others. David is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor.
In May, Monitor David ministered to his church families. About 91 believers meet each week in the mother church. 556 believers meet in the eight daughter churches combined. Thirteen people accepted Christ when the Gospel was shared in the villages. David is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him strength as he walks from village to village, peace in the country as they face an upcoming election, and for the many believers that are migrating in search of food and water.
In April, Monitor David ministered to his church families. About 115 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 556 attended in the 8 daughter churches combined. 9 people accepted Christ as Savior, and 4 believers were baptized! David is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He prays for peace in Kenya during this election season.
In March, Monitor David ministered to his church families. About 109 believers meet each week in the mother church. 481 believers meet in the daughter churches combined. Ten people accepted Christ when the Gospel was shared in the villages. David is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him strength as he walks from village to village, for the church elders and evangelists and for much needed rain.
In February, Monitor David ministered to his church families. About 92 believers meet each week in the mother church. 613 believers meet in the daughter churches combined on a bi-weekly basis. Five people accepted Christ when the Gospel was shared in the villages. David is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him strength as he walks from village to village.
In January, Monitor David ministered to his church families. He travels between 5 kms/3 miles to 15 kms/9.3 miles each way to reach his daughter churches. He ministers to most of his daughter churches bi-weekly and one weekly. David is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him strength as he walks from village to village and also for rain for this drought-stricken region.
In December, Monitor David held services in all 9 churches, and 5 people were saved. About 92 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 613 attended in the 8 daughter churches combined. David is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him strength as he walks from village to village and also for rain for this drought-stricken region.
In November, Monitor David ministered in all 9 churches, and 7 people were saved. Approximately 95 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 826 attended in the 8 daughter churches combined. David is grateful for the support from his sponsor. He requests prayers for the many in his congregation that are suffering from drought and famine.
In October, Monitor David held services in all 9 churches, and 7 people were saved. About 101 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 432 attended in the 8 daughter churches combined. David is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him for the missionaries that they would continue to grow spiritually as they do God’s work and also for rain for this drought stricken region.
In September, Monitor David held services in all 9 churches, and 7 people were saved. About 101 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 455 attended in the 8 daughter churches combined. David is grateful for the continued support from his sponsor. He asks that you pray with him that an adult class could be started in his area.
In August, Monitor David ministered in all 9 churches, and 16 people were saved. Approximately 88 members attended each Sunday in the mother church, and 445 attended in the 8 daughter churches combined. David is grateful for the support from his sponsor. He requests prayers that they will overcome COVID and the drought.
In July, Monitor David ministered in all 9 churches. 4 people were saved and joined the mother church. Approximately 75 members attended church each Sunday in the mother church alone and 458 in the 8 daughter churches combined. David is grateful for the support from his sponsor and asks that you pray with him for the believers to stay strong in their faith and also for water so that they can grow food.
In June, Monitor David ministered in all 9 churches. 4 people were saved and joined the mother church. Approximately 85 members attended church each Sunday in the mother church alone and 458 in the 8 daughter churches combined. He now has 6 Champions leading 6 Lighthouses with 36 disciples being discipled! David is grateful for the support from his sponsor.
In May, Monitor David ministered in all 9 churches. 3 people were saved and joined the mother church. Approximately 87 members attended church each Sunday in the mother church alone and 471 in the 8 daughter churches combined. David is grateful for the support from his sponsor.
In April, Monitor David ministered in all 9 churches. 7 people were saved and joined the mother church. Approximately 103 members attended church each Sunday in the mother church alone and 448 in the 8 daughter churches combined. David is grateful for the support from his sponsor.