Our VISION is that the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been proclaimed among the Turkana people of Kenya and the Toposa people of South Sudan; His disciples are growing deeper in their faith and making disciples of others.
Our MISSION is to equip and deploy indigenous missionaries who share the Gospel and establish disciple-making, holistic congregations throughout Turkana, Toposa, and beyond.
Forces opposed to the Christian faith are advancing from the north of Africa in large numbers toward the south, into the sub-Saharan Africa – a region that for over a century has witnessed the spread of the true freedom found only in Christ Jesus.
Kenya borders a few of predominantly non-Christian countries just north of the Equator. The country has the unique potential to withstand the advance of opposing forces by building a strong “Buffer Zone of Truth” along the Equator. Turkana County (24,000sq. miles), Kenya, is strategically located for initiating and advancing the “Buffer Zone” through Turkana believers.
God raised and commissioned SHARE to advance that cause through sharing the Gospel, planting churches, and making disciples among the Turkana and Toposa people. The ministry has been doing exactly that in Turkana since 1997 and began initiating the outreach to Toposa in early-2021. Multitudes of Turkana people have come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and are discovering the joy of a life lived in Christ! The Toposa Missionary Team has been visiting villages, establishing relationships, and screening The Jesus Film, and has even begun discipling new believers!