- Reached more than 1,000 remote villages with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Led more than 103,000 people to faith in Christ as Savior.
- Baptized more than 19,000 believers.
- Trained 368 missionaries/pastors in the Bible Pathways program at the SEND Center in Turkanaland.
- Trained and commissioned 320 Sunday School teachers.
- Trained, equipped, and deployed 155 Turkana Motivators and evangelists who are actively overseeing 499 churches throughout Turkanaland.
- Trained, equipped, and deployed 15 missionaries (10 Turkana-tribe missionaries and 5 Toposa-tribe evangelists) who are actively sharing the Gospel in Toposa, South Sudan.
- Commissioned 15 missionaries (2 Turkana-tribe missionaries and 13 Nyang’atom-tribe evangelists) whom God has called to take the Gospel to Nyang’atom, Ethiopia.
- 9,192 Audio Bibles.
- 4,019 Hard-Copy Bibles.
- 4,754 DMM Signage Bookmarks.
- Established 30 Adult Literacy classes in remote villages in Turkanaland.
- Planted 499 active churches and established ministries for men, women, young men, young women, and children in Turkanaland.
- Established 874 DMM (Disciple-Making Movement) cell-groups, or “Lighthouses”, throughout Turkanaland and Toposaland.
- Constructed 10 DMM Zone Centers and 9 Next-Gen Sending Centers in Turkanaland.